2 | Familiar Feelings

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Turning down the volume of Iris by The goo goo dolls on my radio, I focus on trying to get rid of the overwhelming feeling of dread I feel as I spot the big wooden sign outside my childhood town.


I grimace at the sign knowing the last time I saw it was when I fled the town at night with my mom, she packed our bags three days after her divorce with my dad and a week after my brothers death and told me we were leaving.

I never got to say goodbye.

But a part of me didn't want to, because the reminders of my brother in this town were everywhere, I couldn't stay anymore. And I had a very strong feeling that if I saw his face I wouldn't be able to leave.

Seven years later that night still haunts me.

Sure, growing up with a mother who I barely knew wasn't ideal but it sure as hell was better than the life I would've gotten in this town.

When faced with Fight or Flight Allegra Martin always chose flight, which I of course inherited. My mother was a complicated woman and out of both of my parents I had always been closer to my dad but my dad didn't want to let go of the memories of my brother so he stayed.

Beau Rose was always one known to be sentimental.

I wince as I pass the old abandoned church, secret kisses, broken hearts.

It should be embarrassing that at 23 I can still vividly remember memories from when I was 16, but the indent of him has printed itself on my heart.

My phone buzzes in the passenger seat and I quickly answer the call and put it on speaker grateful for the distraction.

"Guess who I just saw!!" My best friend Harley Brooks shouts into the other side of the call.

"I don't know-"

"ARLO WESSLEY!" She cuts me off shouting, acting like I have some sort of recollection of this guy I hum supportively.

"Remember?! Oh my god, the guy we called boney in high school! He fingered me in a closet for seven minutes in heaven at Francie's party for halloween! We went as sexy FBI agents!"

Despite me and Harley being polar opposites, I've never had a friendship like I've had with her. I met her when I transferred schools and moved to New York in senior year, her hair was the first thing I noticed due to its bright purple colour. She changes it every year and her longest hair colour she kept is the bubblegum pink colour she is currently sporting which has been going on for two years.

After we graduated high school together at our fancy private school we went on to graduate College together too and now live in an apartment together with her annoyingly scratchy cat.

She knows everything about me, everything. Down to the guy I fell in love with and my brothers death, though it's a not a topic that's ever brought up, the last time it was brought up was when we were 18 crying in my car when I learned that my dad's illness came back.

I met her in a bad place in my life, at a time when I felt there was nothing I could give to life anymore, but then I sat next to this really loud obnoxious purple haired girl in English class.

"What happened?" I say trying to act intrigued in the conversation so I get diverted from my thoughts,

"I saw him when I was walking Spencer!" I don't bother pointing out the fact that you're not meant to walk cats as she seems to always ignore me when I bring it up neither do I bring up the reminder that she named her cat off Spencer Reid from criminal minds saying that the cat looked like him.

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