It's always been you

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"Should I move on?" I pondered out loud,
Words echoing softly in the silence, unbowed,
A yearning to rewind, to rewrite my story,
But words etched in time, they hold their glory.

I want to write a message, to set my heart free,
Declare my love, unveil what's deep inside of me,
This relentless fire, burning from the start,
I fear losing you, it's tearing me apart.

It's always been you, since the beginning, so true,
I can't envision life without you, that much I knew,
Though it's tough, and I'm trembling in my soul,
Losing you completely is my greatest toll.

"I love you," I'd confess, as tears start to fall,
Sharing a life together, through every rise and fall,
It's a daunting path, filled with uncertainty,
But without you, I'm a puzzle missing a piece.

Stay with me, my love, let's make our stand,
Side by side, facing life, hand in hand,
Through trials we'll stride, together we'll belong,
You bring out the best in me, where I am strong.

It's always been you, since the beginning, so true,
I can't envision life without you, that much I knew,
Though it's tough, and I'm trembling in my soul,
Losing you completely is my greatest toll.

Differing perspectives and irreconcilable futures to confront,
Obstacles to conquer, from every ridge,
But with each challenge, side by side, we'll stay,
In a future we'll create, love lighting our way.

Could it be, could it be, that you'd feel the same,
If you received my message, emotions in a flame,
Maybe you'd be touched, with a spark in your eyes,
Our shared journey continues, under boundless skies.

But it's a dream, a longing, a wish I'll keep,
Time's a cruel master, it doesn't let us leap,
The timing, it's off, and it's all too late,
The 'what-ifs' and 'maybes,' they seal our fate.

It's always been you, since the beginning, so true,
I can't envision life without you, that much I knew,
Though it's tough, and I'm trembling in my soul,
Losing you completely is my greatest toll.

And as tomorrow arrives, unbidden, it's here,
It's an ending, it's a loss, it's a path unclear,
A chapter now closed, with whispers that fade,
In the silence of 'could have been,' our love remains unlaid.

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