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12 hours later

I was staying at Grey's place now. I figured me and Kain could use some much needed space.

But it was hard staying here. Sure they were generous and all but it was hard with them having sex all the time.

Kain obviously had tried to contact me and tried to use Grey's number to reach me. But I wasn't ready to talk to him, not yet. I mean the roles were reversed. Kain was the one who wrecked everything while Jake was the one who actually helped this time. Even though he suggested my mom was loony. Which she wasn't.

My phone rang again.

I picked it up and the minute I saw Kain's name glaring at me, I lost my temper and slammed my phone against the table earning the screen a grand canyon like crack.

Why is my life so fucking miserable.


I was called by detective Wagner to go down at the station. Why? I had no idea. But I hoped it wasn't to tell me my mom would stand trial or, worse that she had escaped..I found it mentally bearable to know a big bunch of police officers were with her. Instead of her wandering around aimlessly.

The moment detective Wagner saw me. His lips split into a smirk. He extended his hand towards mine.

“Dimitri, is it....hi.”

I don't know whether it was the coffee or standing under the ugly glint of his face, but I was feeling quite irritable.

“uh, hi.” I said, leaving his hand hanging awkwardly in the air.

“Where's my mom?”

“Relax, she'll be right out.”

“So, why'd you call me here?” I asked. My voice cracking.

“Uh, we have to ask you a few questions, come with me.”

I tailed behind him, his leather shoes click clacking annoyingly. His musky scent hung in the air.

We ended up in a room, as bleak as life itself. A woman was already seated there, mean face right, her bony hands wrapped around a pen.

Her eyes lifted to meet mine.

“Take a seat, Mr dodd.” she sounded British, or French...I couldn't put my finger on it.

Mr Wagner stood by the door, his eyes fixated on mine all creepily. He looked like a lizard.

“So.... we've brought you here to ask you about your mother....her mental health.”

“My mom is fine.” I said defensively.

Deep down I hoped Jake wasn't right.

“Mr Dodd...”

“Call me Dimitri, everyone does.”

“Alright, Dimitri....” she sighed,“Do you recall your mother having any manic episodes? It maybe in your childhood... perhaps?”

“Umm, no...she always seemed pretty put together to me.”

“Are you sure?” she asked skeptically.

“is she my mother or yours?”

Her eyes widened at my response.

“Calm down.” she said,“i'm not attacking you...”

“But not a single manic episode?”

I sighed. There was one particular incident. Where she had cracked the TV screen when I was seven.


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