Chapter 28

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Jisung woke up suddenly to a stabbing pain in his heart. It was worse than he'd ever felt. He didn't even have the strength to do anything. He just lay there. The top half of his body still in Minho's chest while the bottom half still sat on the chair.

He took deep breaths, hoping to calm it down. Tears pricked at his eyes and burnt as they fell down his cheeks, like acid seeping into his skin.

His whole body was screaming at him to stop the pain, but he didn't know how. He needed Minho. Minho's touch would make this subside. He knew it.

"M-Mi-Min..." he gasped, his voice cracking in agony.

He just wanted the other to hold him, tell him everything was okay, run his hands through his hair and kiss it softly.

He craved the older's touch. He needed it.

But he couldn't have it, and he knew that.

He knew it was just wishful thinking and yet, somehow, he held some hope that maybe, just maybe, Minho wasn't quite dead yet.

It felt like hours, but soon, the pain subsided to a bearable feeling, Jisung used his strength to lift himself off Minho and glance at the boy.

He placed his index and middle fingers against the older's pulse point on his neck and waited patiently to feel something, but...


Panicking, he slapped Minho's face, trying to get him to wake up. He didn't know cpr.

His breathing picked up, as he gasped for short, shallow breaths. Tears streaming down his face. He shook the boy rather violently, trying anything to get him to wake up.

" better wake up's not funny...i-it's not fucking funny..." he cupped Minho's face with trembling hands, feeling the coldness of his pale skin.

The droplets of his own tears softly landed on Minho's skin as Jisung was leant over him. Jisung wiped them away, not wanting to damage Minho's body.

"Y-you can wake up n-now, baby..." Jisung sniffed, feeling the world crumble around him as he held his everything in his hands.

"B-baby..." Jisung leant down and delicately kissed the icy skin on Minho's forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment.

He wiped his eyes quickly, not wanting to disturb Minho's rest.

He knew Minho had gone through so much in his life, he knew it was wrong to want him back instead of letting him rest, but Minho was the first person he'd spoken to since he died. He wasn't ready to be alone again. He wasn't ready to lose someone again. Someone he loved so much.

He felt guilty. He felt so guilty. He felt like Minho wasted the last year of his life cooped up in the ice rink with him. The older could've been living his life to the fullest with his friends, but Jisung made him stay, out of selfishness. He didn't even get a chance to apologise.

But what he didn't realise was that Minho didn't think it was a waste, he treasured his time with Jisung so much more than the younger could even understand. He loved him.

Jisung brushed Minho's hair back, lacing his fingers through it.

"I-I'm sorry Minho. I love you so much." He cried into the boys chest. Maybe hoping he'd be able to hear his heart beat, even just for one more second, but it was silent.

Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's torso, wanting to hold him just one more time. The only sound heard throughout the whole ice rink was Jisung's quiet sobs as he buried his face into the older's chest, breathing in the lingering scent of the boys cologne.

His tears soaked the shirt. He couldn't process what was happening.

Minho was dead.

Minho...was dead.

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