FCC Complaints

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Hello everybody! Today we're gonna start off with a bang!

This was posted on my mb so I'm gonna place it here since this is a big part in what we're gonna be doing.

"Here you can place your respective complaint against the recent elimination of private messaging on Wattpad.

Remember to be cordial (friendly) so they can hear us and have Wattpad restore private messaging in the app"





I want to clarify that Canada has natural rights & somewhat amendments like ours (I searched it up) so they gotta listen.

They have to listen.

SO TODAY, I want you to send a bunch of complaints to the FCC, I want complaints to go to the brim about this.

Look around the FCC website too, tell me what you find & give me ideas (in the comments or my message board)

I need ideas for this! If we wanna win we gotta do this right.

That'll be all about this matter

I wanted to talk about my email. Today I want on there today and was cleaning things out, they're real big hypocrites

I have reported a few people (and blocked cuz pedos are crazy) and wattpad said- before pms were gone

"We also recommend using the mute button, found under the button on any user's profile. Muting will disallow a user from:
*Disallow a user from private messaging you
*Disallow a user from writing on your profile's message board
*Disallow a user from leaving comments on your stories
*Disallow a user from viewing your profile"

They've said it themselves, users can do this themself instead of deleting the pms.

Deleting the pms does nothing and I have physical evidence from wattpad themselves, I have a bunch of evidence.

Thank you for reading

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