~Wanted Success~

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Wanted success

"Why are you upset you got a good grade,"
They would mutter under their breaths.
Why? Why? Because it's not enough,
Not for me anyways,
Not for my heart.

People always say you don't understand how hard life gets,
But maybe I actually do understand,
I understand every time I look at that little score marked in red on the front of my test.
I understand every time I look at the better grades around me,
When will my poor soul be free,
From this horrible misery.

"study more if you want a higher grade."
I nod, but I remember the hours of pain from going over the same subject again and again, afraid of missing something.
All just for a grade I won't be happy with.

It's always the same,
The pain, the shame,
No one understands.
I wonder sometimes if anyone ever will,
Or maybe my worries of failure and cries of wanting success, made me go crazy.

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