Chapter 1 ~ Rescue

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A/N ~ in the story I will put small notes like this: (insert note) in the story its like another A/N. Also every artwork/video belongs to their original owners and deserves credit. Please let me know what you think of the book & no hate.


I woke up in my makeshift home on the beach just like every morning at dawn. It's hard to believe people throw there trash here, but hey if they hadn't I wouldn't of made my home here, nor to learn to read and write from all the books they threw in with the trash. I'm extremely smart for a 7 year old, I'm at a college level in all of the subjects including English since I live in Musutafu, Japan.

It's time find food, I then shifted to my Thanator form & searched for food in the dumpsters of the alleyways. Once I found dumpster with a decent amount of food I started eating. 'It's not like a 7 year old can get a job to make money for food'. Some restaurants took pity on me and gave me food from time to time. I was suddenly cut from eating/thoughts when a explosion occurred, I then went to check it out and saw a villain with a Sludge Body Quirk, The Sludge Villain's Quirk transforms his body into a bulk of a mud-like substance.

the Sludge Villain had no remorse trying to possess the bodie of what looks to be a blonde 14 year old with a explosion quirk. Reader was witnessing this from behind barriers the police set up to not let the civilians through that surrounded the Barrier, so she wasn't noticed. The thing that shocked her most was another kid with green hair who looked Quirkless ran past the barriers & police who tried to stop him to the villain that had held the blonde explosion boy captive & tried to free him from the villain & failing miserably.

The best thing about myy quirk is when I shift into my Thanator form her skin is too thick and extremely hard for anyone with any kind of Quirk to penetrate, which makes it easier for me to restrain those like this villain. So quickly reader went into action and jumped over the civilians, police & police cars Roaring loudly (video of roar up top) scaring everyone, causing the green haird boy, blonde explosion boy & the villain turned to face her & ran at them green haired boy luckily got out of the way when I pounced on the villain, quickly Restraining him on the ground & easily getting bakugo out of the villains slim. Putting bakugo gently on the ground without hurting him, while keeping the villain restrained. The #1 hero All Might came up to me since I has the villain restrained and took him into custody. I managed to slip from the aftermath because if the police found out a 7 year old would be in deep trouble.

Third pov

While pro hero's & the police where cleaning up the damages as Katsuki Bakugo was getting checked over by paramedics as several others Izuku Midoriya was getting lectured whet he did could've gotten himself killed by a few police and hero's. The #1 hero was doing a press conference about what happened and telling them there is little information on the allegedly new hero. After that Izuku Midoriya started walking home thinking.

Izuku's thoughts: 'I wanted to thank that person with the cool quirk & apologize to all might, he was swarmed with interviewers, I didn't want to interrupt. I could always send a message through his website when I get home.'

Bakugo: DEKU!

Izuku: Kacchan?

Bakugo: Listen, I'll never ask for a weakling like you or a six legged freak to help me. Don't think you can look down on me. Huh, got that? I was fine by myself. You're just a quirkless failure who won't cut it as a Riddick cop. You didn't help me, don't you forget it. I don't owe you anything.

(Izuku confused)

Izuku's thoughts: 'What was that? Kacchan is right though, it's not like I did anything to help today. But at least I tried. I guess I should go back to giving up my dreams.'

(All might out nowhere)

All Might: I AM HERE

Izuku: AAHHHHHH. All might where'd you com from? How'd you get rid of all those reporters?

All might: Ahaha. I stand for justice, not soundbites because I, I am All Migh-

(All might immediately

Turns Back to his weak form)


All might: (coughs) young man I came here to thank you & also discuss your question from earlier.

Izuku: huh?

All might: If you hadn't told me about your life. If you hadn't ran into that flight. I was going to jump in to help, but that Thanator beat me to it. So thank you.

Izuku: oh no. It was my fault he was there to begin with. I got in the way of your hard work. I wasted your energy & not to mention your time. So that person who saved Kacchan & I is a Thanator? Is that their quirk?

All might: I'm not done, I'll answer those questions another day. You told me you didn't have a power. So when I saw this timid quirkless boy try to save a life, it inspired to be better. There are stories about every hero, how they become great. Most have one thing in common, their bodies move before they have a chance to think, almost on their own.

Izuku starts crying while thinking

Izuku's thoughts: 'For some reason I remember My mother's words in that moment. "I'm sorry Izuku, I wish things were different."'

All Might: And today that's what happened to you.

Izuku's thoughts: 'You never told me mom. back then the thing I needed you to say. The words I needed to hear.'

All Might: Young man, you too can become a hero.

Izuku's thoughts: 'Dream's can become reality.'

1000 words

MHA x Thanator (Child Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ