ch4 ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ cheer

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as the sun beams brightly , casting a warm glow over the sprawling football field where the cheer squad practiced, y/n's anticipation mingled with a sense of dread. Coach Thompson, their drill sergeant of a coach, prowled the sidelines with a fierce intensity, her booming voice echoing across the field with relentless demands for perfection.

"Higher! Faster! We need to be in top form for the upcoming competition!" Coach Thompson's words cut through the air like a sharp blade, pushing Sarah to the brink of exhaustion as she executed each move with precision. "come onnn y/n ! your supposed to be cheer captain here!!" she states while walking off .

But amidst the chaos of practice, a new distraction emerged. A football player, his jersey adorned with the emblem of the local team, sauntered onto the field with a cocky grin plastered across his face.

"Hey there, y/n, right?" he called out, his voice carrying over the din of the cheer squad.

y/n's heart sank as she recognized the familiar face of Jake, a notorious flirt whose charm was matched only by his arrogance. Though flattered by the attention, she couldn't shake the unease that settled in the pit of her stomach.

"yeah! y/n!" i fake smile , "the same y/n who's STILL dating Amber," you  replied while rolling your eyes , her voice tinged with a hint of discomfort but mostly sarcasm.

But Jake seemed undeterred by your response, his persistence bordering on stubbornness as he continued to engage you in conversation, oblivious to your growing unease.

With each passing minute, you felt the weight of Jake's presence bearing down on you, god he wouldn't shut up , his words a constant barrage against her defenses. But just as you was on the verge of surrendering to the suffocating pressure, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows.

"Hey, babe, sorry I'm late," Amber called out, her voice a welcome reprieve from the chaos of the football field.

Relief flooded through you as you caught sight of Amber, With a grateful smile, she turned to face Jake, her resolve firm and unwavering. "who's this huh?"

"Sorry, Jake, but I've got to go," you said, your voice tinged with finality, ignoring ambers comment as you knew it would start a scene so instead you grab her hand and begin to walk off . "see you around y/n!" he shouts with a wink to which amber fully turns around "what'd you say?"
"no come on amber leave it i'm tired i just wanna go to lunch"
"no what the fuck did he just say?"
"bullshit!" she shouted interrupting you
"hey!" you warn and she rose her voice at you. she was obviously the dominant one in the relationship but oh god was she wrapped around your finger. you knew how to keep her in check and you knew she listened so when she does get out of line it's easy and quick to fix . just like now.
"i'm sorry princess." to which you just give her a squeeze of the hand because you truly were tired.

a/n: guys i have no motivation barely anyone reads this so im soooo lost on what to do lmfao

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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obsessed ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ amber freemanWhere stories live. Discover now