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Jimin was desperate to solve the whole matter on top of that jungkook's condition isn't helping him at all. He fell weak it's like there is no willpower or life present in him.

"Jungkook... Stop acting like a pathetic loser.. Wake up and do something... " Jimin shouted his lungs out laced with frustration and sorrow at the defeated alpha who is standing in the balcony emptily gazing outside at the hustle bustle of the workers and maids.

"Jungkook.... Just do something.. Or let me do it for you... Why did you stopped me when I was going to explain everything to taehyung... " Jimin said in a broken voice. Yes he was on his way to taehyung's but jungkook didn't let him do it.

"Whatever happens is for good... Isn't it.. " Jungkook uttered in a low painful tone still looking outside.

"What!!? "

"Hmm.... If I give you a task to compare me and king hoseok on accord of good deeds and nature also in terms of being a better human being...... Who will win? "

"It's obvious... Isn't it.. "Jungkook left out a chuckle after making the statement.

"Answer me honestly..." Jungkook tuned towards jimin. The usual glow that always illuminates hus face, eyes that sparks power and authority is totally gone... There standing a pale looking broken, weak man void of any expression.

"What nonsense is that...? Jungkook it's been two days you are like this... The marriage is tomorrow... Hope you remember it... " Jimin said in a urgent tone trying his hard to make his friend understand that he can't leave without the omega.... Maybe jungkook himself knows that but he seems to accept his defeat.

"Taehyung would be happy with hoseok... He is a kind, loving man.. Not like me.. Who is just cruel, inhuman... Just used him for his(jk) own benefit and pleasure.... " Jungkook chuckled dryly.

"You know the truth jungkook... Then why....? " Jimin exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hm... I know... But that doesn't remove the fact that taehyung suffered because of me....he deserves better.. No better.. The bestest things in this world.. And I strongly believe hoseok can fullfill it... He will do for him with a blink of an eye. "

"Taehyung deserves better," Jungkook murmured, his voice barely audible. "He deserves someone kind, someone like Hoseok."

"But what if Taehyung doesn't want that? What if he wants you?" Jimin pressed, refusing to accept Jungkook's defeat.

Jungkook's gaze dropped, a flicker of pain crossing his features. "He doesn't want me. I've only brought him pain and suffering. "

You can't decide what he wants," Jimin argued, desperation creeping into his voice. "He cares about you. He was worried sick about you."

"That's because.. He is a pure soul.. He loves every person around him, giving his everything to help others. His heart is made of gold in which he has love for his enemy also. " Jungkook acknowledged softly, his tone heavy with sadness.


With every passing second, Taehyung grew more impatient and scared. Even though he had made a decision, his heart wasn't fully convinced. Uncertainty and doubt lingered within him, refusing to fade away.

Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped him. He was  aware of Jungkook's presence in the land, and the news of his impending marriage had reached his ears. Yet, for two long days, Jungkook had remained elusive, never once appearing before him nor tried to take Juntae away.

Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook's absence. It reminded him of all the questions he still had. His worry grew with each passing moment, feeling like something important was still left unresolved.

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