Chapter 47

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I jumped up from the couch as my front door opened. "What is wrong with you?" I yelled at my brother as I drew my gun from the back table.

WHAT DID YOU DO? He yelled at me grabbing my arms shaking me.

I didn't do shit what the fuck are you talking about?!

Yes the fuck you did Danay! We gotta go he's after us!

Us? Who?

STOP PLAYING DUMB! It's 2.5 million on our heads and 3 if we're brought to him alive! We gotta go. I don't know what the fuck you did but this nigga Shooter is after us. I told you! I fuckin told you to not try that man and you did it anyways.

Why is you worried about him? Cortez he ain't shit! Why put all that on our head if he really was that nigga like everyone said he is. Okay I went to his bitch clinic and told her he was my nigga and he raped me, and beat my ass. Oh well that Nigga shouldn't of punched me in my face. He broke my cheek bone and fractured my jaw!

Your lucky that's all he did! His wife just got shot and damn near died. He wants me because of you I'm not ready to die. I told you I fuckin told you!

Stop being so scary!
Wait she not dead? I asked confused.

I'm glad you think this a joke! That nigga not playing! I'm so fuckin glad your underestimating his crazy ass! I'm leaving stick around and find the fuck out if you want to. I love you sis but you dumb as fuck and just fucked our lives up! I really hate you over this. He yelled making me roll my eyes. He went to leave and someone was at my door. I couldn't see who it was until I got closer.

Bitch I want my money back! She said angrily pushing her was into my house.

No refunds I did my job!

You ain't did shit she ain't dead!

How you know?

I just left the hospital! And you know what else my son is alive I'm not getting shit! So give me my fuckin money back. She yelled pushing me.

Look here lady you not getting shit no refunds. I'm sure that bitch was dead I did my job.

Wait! Wait what are y'all talking about? Cortez asked as he came back over to us.

Nothing! I said quickly waving him off.

Nothing? Bitch you just walked me for 10 grand!

I didn't walk you for shit bitch! Is you nuts?

You did!


She ain't dead bitch and I don't see you doing anything else to fix it! But now you can't cause my son is still alive and he won't let anything happen to that girl!

Who's not dead? Who's your son? Cortez asked.

Nobody wasn't you leaving!

I hired her to do a job for me to kill this bitch name Brionna! Because i was told she's one of the best! So I can get my son multimillion estates and all his money! This bitch doesn't kill her only to find out she's still alive fighting for her fuckin life!

DANAY!!!! Are you fuckin kidding me?! I was talking about whatever you said or did at the clinic your the one who put a bullet in her? Wait Shooters your son?

Is that what they're calling him out here?

Been calling him that since a jit, he really like that! You set your own son wife up to be kilt is crazy and as many times you've been warned you dumb and stupid enough to do it! Straight suicide fuckin idiots! I'm outa here! He walked back over to the door to leave soon as he opened it bullets started flying to my house. We all dropped down. Cortez hit the ground making me scream, but when I seen him pull his gun and started shooting back I knew he was good! He tried to get up shooting back as I took cover for him and started shooting.

Come on! I yelled at them as niggas started walking up on the house shooting. We got up running towards the back of the house. Running out the back door and into the backyard. My neighbors had a pathway that led to my backyard to theirs and then the side of their house and on to the next street! They caught up with me and we made it to the next street. I had a safe house built if anything was to ever happen and I needed to get away for a while with protection.

We all made it in to the shed and I could finally breathe. "The hunger games has just begun!" Cortez said out of breath looking at me pissed.


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