Chapter 19

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Almost Five Years later...

Persephone and Kol held hands as they walked to a farmhouse. "You think everything is okay with them?" she asked as she walked up the stairs. They had a plan to get Klaus back. Haley was headed into New Orleans with Elijah and Rebekah. Klaus was the last person that needed rescuing. They'd found a cure for Rebekah and Elijah.

It was an interesting project for the couple that loved to research. They spent time tracing bloodlines and researching different magics in order to help Freya. They grew closer, loving each other's intelligence and Kol loving her passion and talent with magic. Still it was Mary, Hope's pseudo-grandmother, that ended up finding the last person that they needed to complete the cure. It would be helpful for the future if they went against Marcel.

They walked inside the house without knocking and Hope came barreling in from the next room. "Uncle Kol! Auntie Percy!" she called out as she hugged Kol then Persephone.

"Hello, little witch, how are you?" Kol asked.

"Good. I can float flowers, want to see?" she asked then reached for the bracelet that hid her magic.

"Not right now, love," he said. Mary came into the room from the back of the house.

"Hello, Mary," Kol said and Mary seemed to look right past him. He rolled his eyes and went with Hope back into the kitchen.

"Mary," Persephone said with a smile.

"How you been? I thought you were going to come run this past month?" Mary asked. It had been forever since Persephone ran with another wolf and Mary had offered but Persephone was against it. The only wolf she'd run with before had been Niklaus.

"I didn't turn. I waited until the next night then Kol sat around with me."

"Is that safe?" She shrugged.

"What's the worst that could happen?" she teased and Mary smiled.

"You love that man."

"I do."

"Enough to never have kids of your own?"

"I mean, yes?" she said. Mary looked at her and she shook her head, "We've talked about it. There are options. We're having a possible witch/werewolf hybrid regardless. How has Haley been?"

"Dealing. You know I can't stand the Mikaelsons but you're Hope's family. And Haley needs help."

"She does. Did Freya go to New Orleans?"

"Why didn't you all?"

"I haven't set foot in there since after I went all murder-y. Guilt I guess. Too many people hurt." Mary didn't say anything as they joined Kol and Hope in the kitchen.

"You're here to distract me," Hope said.

"How are we doing?" Persephone asked her.

"Not good so far."

"I brought my violin."

"That hasn't worked since I was four." Kol and Mary laughed while Persephone just smirked.

"I used to be impressive to you. So I guess you wouldn't want to see the new grimoires your Uncle and I just acquired?"

"Really?" she looked up with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yep, let's go get them."

They spent the night looking over things but not doing any magic. They were teaching Hope how they studied it without practicing it. But also how the two could help each other. She fell asleep on the couch and Kol carried her to bed.

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