Mend The Broken Glass Lens

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As the broken glass lens reflects our shattered realities,

Echoes of haunting memories, pierce through our souls like shards

I perch high like a bird in a tree, watching as the system crumbles

Each cry resonates with the lonely hour of the watchful eye

A wave of disgust churns within my being

With each unjust ruling, it feels like a branch breaking in the wind

Favoritism over fairness, a bitter pill we are forced to swallow says the system broken again

Is this the path we have chosen, where justice falters and fails to thrive

The broken system cries out for repair, corruption making it hard to breathe

In this suffocating air of unequal and unfair

We witness the homeless bodies stacking up

Real justice becomes a distant dream, slipping away like a fleeting mirage

Single mothers stripped of their children by the hands of wealth

Injustice festers in the pit of my stomach, a searing pain that churns

It's a vile landscape, a world where wrongs prevail, some might even call it a true hell

The broken glass lens begs for restoration, a return to the true vision saving all nations real justice

A cry arises from starving children with empty bellies

And homeless souls yearning for a place to call home

The thunder echoes the storm within, a cry for shelter and warmth

Money talks, buying freedoms and silencing pleas

A judge lets a Killers eyes slip through the cracks, nearly taking another life

Can my heart's plea break through the walls of apathy and greed

To shed light on the harsh realities that plague us all

In a world where money reigns supreme,

And the root of all evil is on full display trying to control your dreams.

The cries of the suffering fall on deaf ears forcing all to obey,

In the shadows of darkness where survival is a daily battle I'd say

Single mothers struggle to make ends meet

Contemplating if life's hardships outweigh the comfort of deaths retreat

What have we become, as the system built by man crumbles says the word crumbs.

Greed unfurls its flag, casting a shadow over true freedom possessed now by materialism

As it now flies high

What once was a beacon of hope now shines with a tainted light

Leaving those with empty pockets to fend for themselves, says the pure heart still left up on the shelves

The broken-hearted souls cry out for justice in a world gone cold

With my bones dry and weary, laying in a coffin of despair

The raven crows a mournful tune, signaling the darkness before the dawn

In this fragmented reality, my mind struggles to comprehend the suffering

As we navigate the landscape of immigration and oppression

The broken glass lens seeks a glimmer of hope in the darkness

Amidst the wasteland of greed and despair, a flicker of empathy could bring hope back in the air.

A longing to offer kindness to those in need, to be a beacon of light

Planting a real loving seed.

In a world teeming with pain and suffering

Why my ink mixes with tears, painting a portrait of sorrow says my dying years

My heart yearns for a peaceful existence

As the dying sun weeps for a humanity lost to the eclipse of darkness

I fight to breathe another day, to awaken dormant spirits like adam and eve

To remind us of a time when innocence reigned,

Before shame and greed tainted our souls causing us to lose our authentic names.

The infection of the broken system spreads like wildfire just watching as it burns.

My worn fingers trace the lines of injustice my stomach still churns

As some of the innocent lay behind bars, their voices unheard but I feel there cries

The struggle to make ends meet becomes a battle for survival

Taxes rise, squeezing the life out of those already on the brink

A piece of cloth becomes a symbol of division

Bearing witness to lives lost in the pursuit of power

The broken glass lens yearns to mend the wounds late is the hour of a broken society

To instill a sense of love and compassion in a world married to hatred

My dry bones lay in the coffin of despair

As I write to touch the hearts of those burdened by the weight of this suffocating air

I yearn for a world free from oppression

Where the innocent are spared the horrors of war and conflict

The cries of the oppressed echo in the darkness of the abyss

As bodies pile up on the palestinian floor, casualties of a cruel world

Similar to the Ukrainian War, need I say more?

My heart aches, tied in a knot of sorrow and despair

Longing for a glimmer of peace in a sea of turmoil

Let us unite in our shared pain

As poets rise to speak the truth that could make the rain

Unmasking the lies and deceit that poison our world

With every beat of my heart, I cry out for justice

Despite the secrets and corruption that lurk in the shadows

I continue to bear witness to the injustices of the world

My bones weary from the weight of sorrow

I am imprisoned by the suffering of the weak of the morrow

The broken glass lens pleads for a watchful eye to repair

To guide the broken-hearted towards a path of hope and healing

Until my once watchful eyes regain their sight

I shall be haunted by the darkness that consumes our world now called the new light  

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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