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D'ella's POV-

My beautiful sister Kiri wanted to spend time together after what had happened, she wanted to thank me for healing her and taking her pain. I told her a thousand times that that wasn't necessary and that I would heal her over and over again no matter what I had to go through because I knew that she would do the same if she could.

I didn't feel like going out and being physically active so I opted for doing something in the mauri since everyone would be out today.

Me and Kiri were sitting on our hammock white we worked our fingers on making new jewelry for Ronal and her future baby as a thank you for healing and waking me up.

I was working on a small pink pearl arm band for the baby when Tuk came rushing in grabbing Kiri and my hands trying to pull us up. I couldn't catch what she was saying but she seemed ecstatic so I followed her and Kiri's lead out of the mauri.

When we finally reached the dock outside our hut I finally saw what Tuk was so excited about.

The Tulkun had arrived back from their migration!

A smile spread upon my face as I watched the spirit brothers and sister reunite. We quickly made our way to the ilu waiting at the edge of the doc so we could make our way to the partying village that swam in the blue water.

All three of us sisters crowded onto an ilu, Tuk sandwiched between Kiri and I as we made our way around the crowd. Eventually we found Rotxo and swam with him and his spirit brother, Kiri, Tuk and myself held onto the fin of Rotxo's spirit brother as he moved through the cool water.

Kiri looked over at me and smiled as her lose short hair and my braided long hair glided around our heads like a halo. I smiled back at my twin as bubbled evaded my mouth in a silent laugh.

After a while me and Kiri where back on the ilu as Tuk stayed with Roxto when we saw Ronal with her much larger spirit sister, a much smaller calf snuck it's way from under its mothers fin to look at D'ella who had already been eyeing the baby creature.

Third POV-

Ronal watched as her Roa, her spirit sister's baby swam away from its mother. It was odd that the baby had made its way away from its mother, that wasn't something a tulkun calf would typically do.

When the Tsahik saw what the baby had began to swim too it all made sense to her now. She knew D'ella and Kiri were very gifted children, one slightly more than the other. She knew Eywa had blessed these sisters with her magic when she first layed eyes on the longer haired twin.

Ronal watched in awe as D'ella glided off the ilu below her and into the depths of the sea, holding her breath like she'd been born a Metkayina. She kept watching as D'ella moved her hand to slip across the rough skin of the calf before her. Roa's baby made happy squeals that vibrated through the ocean and surrounded D'ella, making her feel the happy sounds of the baby that curled around her.

Roa's unnamed son happily opened its great big mouth wanting nothing more than to bond with the child before him.

Typically the Navi would be much smaller when bonding with its tulkun brother or sister but the calf being the child of the Tulkun leader he was bigger than the other calves, making it easier for D'ella to swim in.

D'ella had completed trust in the large creature before her. Kiri, not so much. She watched in worry as her older twin swam into the mouth of the Tulkun baby infront of them. Kiri trusted her sister, she knew that D'ella had the knowledge of Eywa hidden in the back of her brain but that didn't stop her from worrying about her impaired sister.

The metkayina and their spirit siblings that where closed to the blessed Navi girl and the Tulkun calf watched in awe as D'ella entered to make the bond with the Tsahik's spirit sisters new son.

Kiri approached the mouth of the small beast before her as it began to open and watched as her sister swam out. D'ella looked like she was practically vibrating with happiness, it looked like when Kiri and D'ella had first connected their minds when they were little.

D'ella turned around to look into the eyes of Pua. Her new brother.

D'ella could feel the difference in the vibrations in the water. The words Pua was sending out to speak with her. It was like she could hear him speaking to her.

Kiri could now understand the calf as well. She didn't understand, it was like the words of the vibrations were being translated in the back of her mind. Kiri couldn't feel a bond to the creature her twin was now connected to but she could understand the bond that was now threaded between her sister's mind and Pua.

Ronal and Roa approached the bonded duo, both holding smiles on their faces.

'You are now one of us.' Ronal signed to D'ella.

D'ella returned her smile and began to swim with her new found brother before eclipse and she was forced to go to bed.

Kiri, Pua and D'ella swam for hours, hunting fish and collecting pretty things that sat at the oceans floor before the sky grew dark and the air grew sharp with a cold breeze.


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