Stay away from her !!

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Y/N's fingers hovered over the keyboard, her heart pounding as she read Ekhta's latest message. The betrayal stung, but she wasn’t going to let Ekhta see her hurt. She decided to switch tactics and messaged Ekhta pretending to be someone else—her alter ego, the fake BFF.

Unknown : Hey, Ekhta. It’s [Lily]. Just wanted to let you know Y/N got into an accident. She asked me to update you.

Ekhta: What? Is she okay?

Lily : She’s stable, but it’s serious. She won’t be online for a while, so I’ll be talking to you in her place.

Ekhta’s tone shifted to concern, and over the next two days, she chatted with Fake BFF, growing increasingly comfortable and dropping her guard.

Ektha:I’m really worried about Y/N. I didn’t mean to hurt her, you know?

Liky:I understand. People make mistakes. Just be there for her when she recovers.

Ekhta : I will. Thanks for being so understanding.

On the third day, Fake BFF’s tone suddenly changed. The messages became colder, more menacing.

Lily : You know, Ekhta, I’ve been thinking about what you did to Y/N.

Ekhta : What do you mean?

Lily :You betrayed her. That’s not something a real friend does. You deserve to pay for that.

Ekhta : What? I thought we were cool. Why are you saying this now?

Lily: Because you need to understand the consequences of your actions. Y/N trusted you, and you stabbed her in the back. If you ever try to harm her again, you’ll regret it.

Ekhta felt a chill run down her spine as she read the message. The shift from kindness to cruelty was jarring.

Ektha : What are you talking about? Are you threatening me?

Lily : Consider it a warning. Stay away from Y/N, or you’ll find out just how dangerous I can be.

Without waiting for a response, Fake lily  logged off, leaving Ekhta staring at the screen, a mix of fear and confusion churning inside her.

Meanwhile, Y/N logged off the fake account and sat back, a small, satisfied smile playing on her lips. She had given Ekhta a taste of her own medicine and made sure she would think twice before crossing her again.

The next day, Y/N woke up to an eerie silence. She walked through the house, realizing Fake lily  had vanished, leaving her alone. For the first time, she felt a strange sense of liberation. Without the toxic presence of Ekhta and azan , she could finally breathe freely and start rebuilding her life.


Y/N logged in again, this time as herself. She took a deep breath, preparing to act as if she knew nothing about the past few days' conversations.

Y/N: Hey, Ekhta. I'm back. Feeling a bit better now.

Ekhta: Y/N! I’m so glad you’re okay. How are you feeling?

Y/N: A bit sore, but I'll manage. What happened while I was gone?

Ekhta: A lot, actually. You won’t believe what your friend, [Fake BFF's name], said to me.

Y/N: What do you mean? She was just trying to help me out while I was recovering.

Ekhta: At first, she was really nice and supportive. But then, out of nowhere, she turned on me. She accused me of betraying you and threatened me!

Y/N: What? That doesn’t sound like her at all. I’m really sorry she did that.

Ekhta: Yeah, it was scary. I didn’t know what to do. But now that you're back, we can sort this out.

Y/N: Ekhta, there’s something I need to tell you. I heard about you and Josh.

Ekhta: Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry. I never meant for it to happen like this. It just did, and I didn’t know how to tell you.

Y/N: I trusted you both. It hurts so much to find out like this.

Ekhta: I know, and I regret everything. I should have been honest with you from the start. Can you ever forgive me?

Y/N: I don’t know, Ekhta. This is a lot to process. I thought we were best friends.

Ekhta: We were, and we can be again. I’ll do anything to make it right. Please, just give me a chance.

Y/N: I need some time to think. This isn’t easy for me.

Ekhta: Take all the time you need. I’m here for you, Y/N. I want to help you through this.

Y/N: Thanks, Ekhta. I appreciate it.

Ekhta: Of course. We’ll get through this together, okay?

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N logged off, feeling a mix of emotions. She had played her part perfectly, and Ekhta had fallen for it. Now, with the truth out in the open and Ekhta trying to console her, Y/N knew she held the upper hand.


Later that evening, Y/N decided to talk with her boyfriend, Azan, to seek comfort and support. As they exchanged messages, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. The tone in Azan's texts seemed different, colder, and distant.

Y/N: Hey, Azan. How was your day?

Azan: It was okay, I guess. Just had a lot of school stuff to deal with.

Y/N frowned at his response. Normally, Azan would be more upbeat, sharing jokes or talking about their plans for the evening.

Y/N: Is everything alright? You seem a bit distant.

Azan: Yeah, I’m fine. Just stressed about exams and stuff.

Y/N felt a little sad at his response, but she understood that he was probably just preoccupied with schoolwork.

Y/N: Okay, if you say so. I just wanted to talk because today has been a bit rough.

Azan: I understand, but I’m really swamped with assignments right now. Can we catch up tomorrow?

Y/N felt a pang of disappointment, but it wasn't overwhelming. She knew Azan had his responsibilities and respected that.

Y/N: Yeah, of course. Take care and good luck with your assignments.

As she put her phone down, Y/N felt a twinge of sadness but brushed it off. She trusted Azan and believed that they would catch up soon. However, she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling gnawing at her. She knew she had to confront Azan about his change in behavior and find out the truth behind his distant demeanor.

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