Chapter 25

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You just sit there. This waiting game is getting kind of boring to you until you here a twig snap. You look over to see two kids dressed up. One of them is quite chubby and in a raccoon suit and the other was dressed up as a kite. You know for a fact that The Coon is Cartman, and obviously knowing Kyle, he is The Human Kite. You giggle a little. Kyle did look cute in his little costume.

"Professor Chaos! Let her go," The Coon and The Human Kite demand at the same time.

"And why should I?" Professor Chaos asks.

"Because we said so," Cartman says.

You try so hard not to burst out laughing. This is too cute and funny. You look over at Kyle. He has a serious face which made him so attractive. He looks a little too serious, even for Kyle. Kyle glances at you with a smile and winks. You could feel blush creep across your face as you look away shyly. Maybe this thing isn't so boring after all. You all of a sudden hear crying. You snap out of it and quickly look up. You see Butters with a knife through his arm. Your eyes widen. You see Cartman with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh fuck, dude," Kyle says.

"What the heck were you thinking, Cartman?!" You wiggle, trying to get out of the ropes. "Kyle! Get the fuck over here and untie me!"

Anger pierces though your heart. How dare Cartman hurt Butters like that? You look at Butters crying face. Your kitty instincts tell you to freaking kill Cartman, but even so, Cartman is still a friend who has serious issues. Kyle rushes over and unties you. You rush right pass everyone. You quickly wrap your arms around Butters and hold him tight.

"Everything will be alright Butters," You whisper to him, trying to calm him down.

"But it hurts," Butters cries a bit harder.

You stroke his hair, "I know it does, but I need you to be a big boy alright. Can you do that for me?" You look into his eyes with a gentle look on your face. You smiles and gently wipe his tears away.

Butters sniffles and hands you his arm, "Can you get it out?"

You look at it, "I can't it's too deep in. We have to take you to the hospital."

"(Y/N), you can't do that! They might arrest me!" Cartman says with a worried look.

You give him a death stare, "You should have thought of that before you did this. Cartman, I really hate you right now."

Cartman's face turns into a hurt expression. You take Butters hand and walk forward.

"Hey need any help?" asks Kyle.

You just walk right pass him without saying a word to him. You don't hate Kyle. It wasn't his fault. Hopefully, Kyle understands that you want to help Butters right now.

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