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Donovan's P.O.V

•1 year later•
Friday July 16, 2016

The music started playing as Lydia, Violets maid of honour walked down the isle. Then her bridesmaids,
Melody, Caroline, and Elena followed afterwards. My best man happened to be Clayton, since we had gotten really close. Beside me was also Nick, Elena's Nick, and Matt. I scanned all the people seated in the church. I noticed Violets mum sitting at the front with a spot beside her for I'm guessing Vi's dad.

She joined Charlie's pack again and they were happy together like they used to be. When Violet saw her in the clearing after we had won the battle against the rogues, she broke down and cried while she ran up to her. They hugged it out, but then Violet realised what was happening, and pulled away from her. She started yelling at her for not being there when she needed her most, and leaving her and how she saw her die with her own eyes. Violet ignored her for days, and then finally decided to talk to her.

Iris (Her mum), told us that after she lunged at the one rogue that had "killed her," and dragged her into the woods, had only actually knocked her out. She was just bloody and unconscious. They then took her away and for months she was tortured. Finally, a pack that had attacked the rogues saved her and she stayed with them. She started to get visions of the battle, and now we're here.

At her funeral it was a closed casket, Violets dad never told her that they never found Iris's body. But all in all, everything was forgiven and Iris was here, safe. But my sister wasn't. I wish she could be here, she'd be a bridesmaid. Its hard to think that its been a year, and that we had all finally graduated this year. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my wolf purred lovingly.

I started searching the room full of pack members and friends, to find that special someone. Then, I found her. She looked so god damn beautiful. Hell, more than beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes from watering as I smiled. This is what happiness is. She is what my happiness is. Her face lit up more when her eyes found mine. The smile on her face brightened up the room and I loved it.

Her dress beautiful, but not as gorgeous as her. Its was strapless, and white of course. It hugged her torso and then flowed down her lower body perfectly, and a long trail followed behind her. Her hair was pinned up and curled, and she had only a little bit of makeup on. She looks like such an angel. My angel.

She finally reached me with her father by her side. He kissed her cheek and handed me her hand, saying I do when the Minister asked who gives her away. While handing her flowers to Lydia she stood in front of me and looked up into my eyes.

Violets P.O.V

He had on a black tux that fit him perfectly. His hair was up in a quiff like it normally is and he just overall looked perfect. His smile make butterflies explode inside my stomach.

The ceremony went by fast, we were now at our vows. I glanced down the isle as Caroline's little girl, our flower girl walked down the isle while throwing flower petals up into the hair. Most landed on the ground, some landed in her hair that was curled to her shoulders. Her brother Grayson's hair was up in a cute little quiff too, it looks so adorable. They're both about a year old now and can walk. Their hair grows like crazy Caroline tells me. That's why their hair is so long. Grayson is the ring barrier, they walked side by side, all cute and adorable. Kit had on a cute little blue dress that puffed out at her waist and stopped just at her ankles. Little man had on a cute little tux. When Kit reached me, I leaned down to kiss her forehead as she smiled. She ran over to her mum and stood beside her.

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