Chapter Nine

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"Zeek you can't be serious right now?" she leans forward feeling her heartbeat through her ears.

"I'm being very serious right now," he continues to walk into the kitchen with Logan now hot on his tail.

"I said that I was sorry, it doesn't have to end this way. It was a careless mistake that I won't do again."

"I highly doubt that," he laughs going into the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of water. The last thing that Zeek wanted to do is get a divorce, but if Logan can keep a personal secret from him then there is no telling what else she could be hiding from him. "Now that I think about it that hug that the two of you shared is now speaking volumes to me now, do you still love him? That can explain why you were so hellbent on working so close to him again. I'm not about to be that idiot that sits back and watches his wife fall back into the arms of the man that she loves."

"Zeek, I don't love him, I need you to understand that. What we had is in the past, it doesn't compare to what the two of us have," she motions a finger between the two of them, "I don't want him anymore, I didn't fight for that relationship like I'm fighting for it right now!"

"I just need to know that if he tries to pursue to, in any ways, will you be able to fight it," he turns around looking deep into her glistening eyes, "you're going to be around him for the next couple of months and old feelings could resurface. What I'm trying to say is if he tries to pursue you, will you be able to fight him? Just let me know now before somebody gets hurt."

"I will."

"Are you sure?" he arches his eyebrow noting everything from her facial expression to her body language.

"Yes, I promise," she nods wiping the rest of the tears, with a little bit of sweat, off her face.

"Alright," he puts down the water bottle walking around her.

"I love you," she says as he walks up the stairs.

"I love you too," he says over his shoulders. Once he was out of sight, she lets out a deep breath that she was holding throughout the whole conversation as she tries to get her heart rate back to normal. She was telling the truth that she was not in love with Dylan anymore, and she has been telling Dylan the same thing, but she needs to be firm with him this time. Because she would be damned if she let her ex ruin the good thing that she with Zeek.

Don't fuck this up Logan.


The musical tune of Ezekiel's phone starts to chime letting him know that it is time for him to get up and get ready for work. Wiping the sleep out of his eyes he tries to sit up but felt a weight on his chest, looking down he sees Logan sleeping peacefully on him. When he gotten into bed, she was already asleep on her side of the bed, so in the middle of the night she must have maneuvered her way onto him. Gently he managed to relocate Logan from him chest to the nearest pillow, not before taking a moment to appreciate her beauty, no matter how much of an ugly sleeper is she. Getting of the bed he makes his way to the closet taking out the suit, that he already picked out the night before, placing it on the bed along with two ties that he could decipher on.

Hearing movement Logan opens her eyes seeing her husband move around in the dark, "What time is it?" she asks stretching out her limbs before reaching over to turn on the table lamp.

Big mistake she thought as her eyes adjust to the abrupt brightness.


"Why are you up so early?"

"I have to get ready for work."

"Already, you can't just take the day off and spend it with me?"

"I have a busy day today, and so do you."

"What is that?"

"You have a party to plan, and I have a few interviews," he walks into the bathroom leaving the door open.

"Come here," she holds her arm open for a hug.

"I beg your pardon?" he pokes his head of the bathroom.

"Let me give you a kiss just in case I go back to sleep when you leave."

But I haven't brushed my teeth yet.

"Okay," he walks over to her placing a tender kiss on jaw, but that wasn't enough for her. Pulling him down she lands a kiss on his lips asking for an invitation that he gladly declines. "Baby I have to get ready," he laughs bracing himself on the headboard making sure not to fall on her.

"Fine," she lets go of him while dramatically turning on her stomach. Hearing her phone ringing she looks at it to see who is calling her so early.

Unknown Caller

Rolling her eyes, she sends it to voicemail without batting an eye.

But then it rings again.

"Who is calling you so early in the morning?" Zeek asks coming out of the bathroom with his towel in his hand.

"I don't know it's an unknown caller, but if it's important they will leave a voicemail," she mutes the volume placing her phone back on the nightstand.

"Okay," he walks back into the bathroom to resume his shower. Looking down at the outfit that he picked out she noticed the two ties that lying across it.

"Why would you wear dark colors with a light gray suit?" she rolls her eyes getting out of bed walking into his closet towards the section that he has his ties, and a few bowties, was hanging. She picks out a silk sky blue tie that would brighten the attire. "I need to buy him more colorful shoes, cause him just wearing nothing but black, or brown, shoes isn't working anymore," she makes a note to take him shopping for more shoes in the near future.

"Hey Logan," she hears Zeek call her name from the shower.

"Yeah babe?" she walks out of the closet placing the tie next to the suit.

"You want to join me in the shower?"

"You don't have to ask me twice."


After drying off and moisturizing her body, Logan puts on her favorite black silk robe relaxing on the bed.

"Did you change my tie?" Zeek asks realizing that she made a switch has he tightens the tie around his neck.

"Yeah, when you got into the shower, I seen that you had some dark ties and that wouldn't look good with what you were going to wear, You said that you had interviews today, and those dark colors would have made you look more intimidating than you already do."

"I look intimidating?" he turns around a little taken aback by that comment.

"Yeah, until one gets to know you, it's just your eyes. When you're relaxing, especially when you're focus on something your eyes are just," she bawls her hand in a tight fist to show him how tense his eyes are.

"I'm not like that," he dismisses her statement.

"But you not the one looking at your face, everybody else is," she laughs as he fixes his hair that was freshly blown dried, with the help of his wife. "You don't like your hair?"

"I mean, it's different I'm use to just having my hair just air dried in its curly state, seeing it like this is just, different," he shrugs his shoulders looking at her.

"Have you ever thought about getting a haircut?"

"Not at all, I mean if it gets too long then maybe, but other than that I just get a trim here and there."

"Hm, you should come home early today."

"For what?"

"So that you can spend the day with me, we haven't gone out on a date since we've been here, and I think that tonight should be a good night."

"Sounds like a plan to me, you want to make the reservation, or should I?"

"I'll do the reservation since it was my idea."

"Okay, I talk to you later baby," he walks up to her kissing her cheek before leaving.

"Okay, have fun."

"Ha,ha, ha."

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