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Update: I Was Wrong

I awoke to a banging on my cell door. Standing up and stretching my stiff limbs, I turned to face the arrogant Alpha that had tried to command me to shift the night before. He had entered my cell alone, but I had no doubt that he had guards outside, waiting to jump in at their Alpha's command. He stood studying me for a moment, and when I didn't move or shift, he chose to talk.

"You bit one of my men last night." He stated. I looked at him as if to say 'so what? ' and he seemed to get the message as he sighed and leaned back against the wall.
"That was my Gamma you bit, you know," as if I care, I thought "and he now has a lovely scar on his hand which he is not too happy about."

He shouldn't have tried to touch me then. It was his own fault.

The Alpha went back to being silent, apparently waiting for me to do something.
Should we shift? I asked my wolf but I got no reply. Great. I was on my own for this one.

As the Alpha was still waiting for me to do something, I huffed a sigh and sat down and looked very pointedly at him and then at the guards which had now moved to stand in the door way. The Alpha sighed at me but, to my surprise, sent his guards away. It was just me and him in a locked cell together.

"Okay they're gone, are you going to talk to me now." He asked, but his voice seemed slightly softer than before, now that he didn't have to put on the big bad alpha act because his guards were gone.

Well, I reasoned with myself, I've got nothing left to lose. And with that I grabbed a raggedy old blanked from the corner of the room, and shifted.

He seemed taken aback by my decision, and just sat and stared for a moment.

"What?" I demanded, not appreciating his gaze.

He seemed to snap out of whatever he was thinking and started to act more like an Alpha again.

"Who are you?" He demanded, definitely getting back into the Alpha act.

"Who's asking?" I replied, my voice cold. I was actually surprising myself with how cold I was being, but I didn't dwell on it.

He sighed in irritation and then looked up.
"I am Alpha Damien Grey, and who might you be?"

I took a moment before answering, to make sure my voice would not waver or crack when I answered.
"My name is Alice Carter, and I was formerly of Alpha Jax Carter's pack." I was immensely grateful my voice hadn't weakened when I said that.

"Jax Carter's pack? That was the pack that was slaughtered a couple days ago, wasn't it?"

I took a deep breath.
"Yes." I replied, careful not to let any emotion into my voice.

"But...you survived?" He said.

"You sound surprised." I state a little defensively.

"No..no..I'm just wondering why you were spared, that's all?"

I felt a sudden, unexpected surge of anger.
"And why do you care?! It's hardly any of your business anyway, is it?!"

"Looks like I struck a nerve." He mused, making me even more angry.

But i didnt say anything, or show any emotion on my face. Instead i just let the silver that was in the chains hilding me against the wall weaken me enough to let me pass out.

I was left alone after that. My wolf scolded me for telling him, she thought that he was probably going to get our ex-mate, and tell him we are still alive.

I shuddered at the thought of what he would do to us.

The silver chains dug into my wrists, burning me and making me feel drowsy. I was about to pass out again when Damien walked in again, his face glowing with pride.

Uh oh.

"Alpha Blake had been informed of your whereabouts, he should be here by this afternoon." A young guard informed me, sounding rather proud,

"You did WHAT!!" I screamed at him. "You asshole!! Why the HELL did you go and do that for!?"

"Well.."He seemed rather taken aback by my rage, he was clearly expecting a better reaction. "word has spread that Alpha Blake Scarhill found his mate, that she was the Alpha's daughter of the pack he was attacking, but that she had unfortunatley died. When i saw you there was no doubt in my mind that you were his mate. He is on his way!" He sounded rather pleased with his accomplishment, but i was far from it. I was panicking.

He is on his way. He is coming back. We need to get away. Now.

Looking around me frantically i spotted my only way out of this place. The keys hanging from the young guards belt.

Before he had even known what was happening, i had lunged and he was on the floor. Suprised at my own speed and strength, i had unchained myself and was bolting for the ungaurded door.

It wasn't ungaurded for long though.

All it took was one howl of rage from the guard and i was surrounded.
I was ready to give in but then my wolf reminded me of why we were running away.

Blake. He's coming for us. We need to go.

In an instant i had shifted into my wolf's coal black form and was dodging gaurds and pouncing on the gaurds that i couldn't get out of the way of.

I was nearly there. I was nearly free. But then i smelt it.

Smelt him.

Alpha Blake Scarhill was here.

He was back for us.

We were done for.

Next chapter will half be in Blake's POV and half in Damien's POV.
Im not gonna give a date for the next chapter because when i do im always days, weeks late so the next chapter will be out whenever it is written. See ya.

~Moll Wolf

Rejecting Me Was Your Biggest Mistake (Book #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz