Chapter 13

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Jacob Light

"Shhh, it's okay." I whispered in Nova's ear. I had taken control back from Dan, something I was furious about. How could I have lost control over my wolf like that? It was obvious that Nova had no idea about the wolf world and losing control over my wolf wasn't the best start.

I wondered if she'd ever accept me, after a blunder like this.

"Let go of me!"

"Nova, please calm down-"

"Fucking let go of me, seriously!" she interrupted me. "Puck, oh Puck, you're so dead!"

I grinned slightly. My mate was a feisty one. That was a good thing, since you had to be able to bite back as a Luna.

"I'll let go, but-" I slowly started, hoping that I would calm her down a little so we could talk.

"Just don't run away, okay? Only then will I let you go, because babe, I'll catch up with you in no time." I growled into her ear playfully, causing mischievous shivers to run through my body. Dan couldn't help but tease our mate a bit, something that had a clear effect: Nova got goose bumps on her arms.

"O-okay." She managed to get out and she immediately stopped fighting. When she calmed down I let her go and she immediately stepped away from me, towards the wolf named 'Puck'.

I growled slightly. My wolf and I didn't like an unmated male wolf so close to our mate. I wanted to take a step forward, to get closer to Nova, but the wolf Puck growled in warning. Not in a dangerous way, but more as to say: 'You can better give her some space, she'll appreciate that'.

"I'm Jacob," I spoke up, hoping to relieve some of the tension.

"Alpha Jacob, to be exact, but I don't think that means a lot to you?"

My attention was focused on Nova. Again, I didn't receive a reply from my shocked mate. What I wanted to do most was to walk over to her to calm her down, tell her I wasn't dangerous and to kiss those delicious lips.

But no, I had to stay here. I had to respect that I first needed to build a bond wit her, since she apparently didn't know the mate concept.

What did she know, though? Did she even know what an Alpha was?

"Can we please go somewhere to talk peacefully?" I tried again, hoping to receive a reaction this time or for that Puck to do something.

But nothing. They both didn't reply and it wasn't starting to get on my nerves that they both seemed to think they didn't have to reply.

"Last time I'm asking nicely," I started, but wolves howling in the distance quickly interrupted me.

God damn it.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. The Alpha of this area probably knew that a wolf was on his land without permission. I wasn't really worried about it: I was an Alpha and when I told the Alpha of this area that I had smelled my mate when he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. I hoped.

The scents of the unknown wolves became stronger, announcing that the wolves were getting closer. I saw that the wolf in front of me was getting uncomfortable, unsure of what to do. Nova also seemed uncomfortable, and she looked at Puck with concern before speaking.

"Sean is also a w-wolf, isn't he?"


Who the fuck was Sean?

Rage started bubbling in me at the thought of guys just being close to my mate. The wolf slowly nodded and immediately looked to the ground. Ashamed of the truth, of the secret he just revealed.

"But Puck, why-" before Nova could finish her sentence she was interrupted by a loud howl, that belonged to an Alpha.

I turned around and raised my hands into the air.

"It's Alpha Jake!"

The wolves slowly came closer and shook their heads, as a sign that they knew who I was. The five wolves stopped three meters in front of me and then changed back into their human forms. They immediately put on the shorts they had bound on their ankles.

The man in the front stepped forward and I recognized him.

Alpha Jeffrey.

Well, fuck.

"Alpha Jeffrey." I said and slightly bowed m head, hoping that he understood that I wasn't here to pick fights.

"Alpha Jake, what brings you here?"

"My mate." I said with a smile to the glum man in front of me. "I smelled her and decided that after five years of searching, I had waited long enough for her."

I waited, not knowing how Jeffrey would react, if he ever would. All he did was squint his eyes together and studied me.

"Well, this mate of yours. Where is she?"

I turned around and looked back at Nova, who had grabbed Puck's fur. I could read the fear from her face and I felt guilty.

I had made her feel that way. She was scared of me.

"Ah, so Bosch Junior is also present. This just couldn't get any better." The Alpha laughed and I looked back in confusion. What was so funny?

"Alpha Jeffrey, would it be all right if I took my mate to the Pack house? I have to talk to her and I think that the young man right there," I pointed to a terrified Puck, "should also be present."

Jeffrey snorted disapprovingly and his lips formed a thin line, not happy with my proposal. "It isn't necessary, I'm totally fine with having this conversation in the middle of the forest. But then you'd have to leave." I grinned at Jeffrey, knowing that I was walking a dangerous line.

"No, that won't be necessary. Follow us-" he managed to get out with gritting teeth.

I grinned and walked over to Nova and Puck.

"Nova, I would really appreciate it if you would come with me so I can explain everything to you. I promise that Puck can stay the whole time."

Nova looked at Puck cautiously, waiting for his reaction. Puck slightly nodded his head and Nova spoke up.


I let out a sigh of relief and without thinking, grabbed Nova's hand. I weaved my fingers through hers and the warm tingles spread through my body.

I hoped that she would understand and most importantly: That she would accept me.


Yaaaasss an other update :)

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x L.

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