23. Big Brown Eyes

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I wake up with a soft warm hand on my face.

"Skylar." Hunter calls my name, in the most tired voice I have heard from her. I open up my eyes Hunter is laying on me with her hand still on my face.

"Skylar." I take her hand from my face and hold it.

"Yeah." I answer. She moves her head, her eyes are closed and she looks and sounds like she is drugged.

"Is there something wrong?" She asks and yawns.

"No, why?" She rubs and then open her eyes to look at me. I can't stop the smile that comes on my face. Hunter looks so drained that it is cute. She can barely keep her eyes open so she closes them sometimes. I brush the hair on her face away, she smiles.

"You were shaking and it made me worry."

"Is that why you just put your hand on my face?" I ask chuckling.

"I was too tired to open up my mouth at first; it was easier to use my hand. It was right next to your face." She has the cutest smile on her face; it takes all the power in me not to kiss her.

"What time is it?" I ask. Her smile fades and she looks at me with a grumpy expression.

"Are you telling me I have to stretch my arm over to the table, just to see what the time is?"

"Please?" I beg.

"You can't look at me like that with your big brown eyes. I can't say no when you do that," She moves over and reaches for her phone.

"It is so unfair." She says and moves back.

"The time is almost six. Why did you have to wake up so early." She says and leans back down on my chest.

"You were the one waking me up." I tell and she snorts.

"I guess we are even then. I can hear your grandma walking around in the kitchen," Hunter says.

"Maybe I should lay down on the mattress just in case." I wrap my arms around her, afraid she will move.

"Don't you dare. Besides, she already knows." Hunter looks worried now.

"I explained. It's okay." Still, she is watching me unsure. I cup her face and look deep into those blue.

"Hunt, calm down. There is nothing to worry about, she understands." More than even I do. She takes a deep breath and nods. I let her go.

"Thank you." She says.

"For what?" I ask confused.

"For everything. You have done so much for me; I have so much debt to you, that I am not sure if I can even pay it back before I die." Oh, God doesn't say that she makes it so hard to not have feelings for her. Everything she says and does is beautiful.

"Hunti, you do not have any debt. Every moment with you is precious. You do not have to do anything for me. Just be you, Hunter. It's all I want, I want nothing more." I start to stroke her neck with my fingertips.

I just want to show her how much she means because it seems like no one has ever told her or showed it before. She smiles and closes her eyes as she lays her head back down on my chest.

"Your hand is so soft; I think I am going to fall asleep again if you don't stop."

"I'm not gonna stop then." I whisper.

"You should." She whispers back, half asleep.

"I will never stop pleasing you, Hunt."

"Hmm." Now she is gone, I can hear it in the sound of her breathing. So relaxed and calm. I think this is my favorite thing in the world right now. The feeling of Hunter's small body upon me, the way she moves along with her breathing.

Her warm hand holding the shirt on my shoulder. I like the feeling of her legs touching mine, even though her feet may be cold sometimes. I think it is weird that she has cold feet in the summer, but I just warm them with mine.

Hunter is perfect, in all ways. She may be joking around sometimes, but goddamn it is fun. I never thought she would be like that at first, but I was kidding with her and to my surprise, she mocked me back.

Hunter's hold on my shirt tightens and she drags herself up. She turns her face around to me. Her forehead and nose touching me on the side of my jaw.

God, she is adorable and so beautiful. I love her hair, the way you can almost see the red in the brown. I love her blue icy eyes, how they sparkle. I love the way she teases me when we play soccer, how she can dribble pass me so easily.

How she cheats by holding my shirt when I get around her. She is amazing and annoyingly good. I close my eyes and kiss Hunter on the top of her head.

I'll Reach For You (GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now