3: Bad dreams

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It was the next day and BTS was at a photo shot.

"Okay..." The photographer said. "Yoongi and Jimin, get in this pose with each other." The photographer showed them.

It was a pose where Jimin had to wrap his arm around Yoongi and the same for Yoongi.

"No." Yoongi said immediately while Jimin was trying to hide his blush.

"Why not? You've done stuff like this a bunch. " The photographer asked.

"It's true..." Jimin told him, thinking back at all the photo shoots.

"Well I'm sick of doing stuff like that. Let's just stand next to each other and smile." Yoongi said. He was trying so hard to avoid physical contact with Jimin.

He honestly doesn't want to like guys. So he's trying his best not to like Jimin. It's not working too well.

"Come on, hyung... It won't be that bad..." Jimin whined, wanting to get as much physical contact as possible.

"I said no." Yoongi glared at Jimin and walked away.

"Why is he acting like this? He's delaying our schedule." Namjoon spoke up.

Jimin shrugged, "He's been like this ever since I came back from the gym and hugged him."

The photographer sighed, "Well... Then he can go pout somewhere else, Namjoon take Yoongi's place."

Namjoon nodded and they took their photos.

Yoongi watched from afar. He felt anger inside, he was getting jealous of those two.

Once they got back from the photo shoot, Yoongi immediately walked to his room.

"Wait hyung!" Jimin followed him.

"Stop following me! I'm gonna take a nap!" Yoongi slammed the door in his face.

Jimin looked down, he never felt this sad before. Is he upset about his parents still?

Yoongi laid on his bed, hugging his pillow, trailing off to dream land.

Why am I here? I stood in the middle of a busy street. Cars passing me at super speed.

Across the traffic stood my parents.

"Wait, don't walk towards me, it's dangerous!" I shouted but it was if they couldn't hear me.

They walked towards me anyway. A car racing towards them.

"Watch out!"

Yoongi's eyes opened quickly. He was being shook.

"Hyung, hyung!" Jimin kept shouting at him, still shaking him.

"I'm awake now, gosh!" Yoongi shouted.

That was when he realized that Jimin had tears rolling down his cheek.

"What the hell?? Why are you crying??" Yoongi jolted up.

Jimin sniffled a bit and wiped his tears away, "I was not crying."

"Lies. Why?" Yoongi still cared for Jimin even if he was trying to keep his distance. He couldn't stand seeing Jimin like that more than he couldn't stand liking a guy.

"You looked sick while you were sleeping, I thought something happened to you." Jimin admitted. "You also looked... Really... Really... Sad."

Yoongi sighed, "I'm still upset about my parents, I've just been having dreams about them more often."

"What kind of dreams?" Jimin tilted his head.

"Bad dreams... I don't know if I really like sleeping anymore."

Jimin gasped really loudly, "You've gotta be fucking kidding me! Are you sure you're Yoongi??"

Yoongi nodded, "I'm sure..."

Later that night, when everyone else was asleep, Yoongi laid in his bed, eyes wide open.

Jimin woke up for a bit because he sometimes have a hard time sleeping and he went to the kitchen to get some milk.

Yoongi and Jin's door was slightly open, so Yoongi saw Jimin with a glass of milk.

"Sorry to break it to you, but milk won't help you grow." Yoongi said out of no where.

Jimin jumped and spat out his drink, "Where did you come from? And why aren't you asleep?"

"I saw you walking to the kitchen so I decided to spook you. It worked." Yoongi chuckled.

Jimin sighed,  "Why aren't you sleeping?" He repeated himself.

"I don't wanna."

"But you need your sleep. We have a showcase tomorrow." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"What about you? You're awake right now." Yoongi said.

"That's different, I'm getting a glass of milk and then going back to sleep. Wait, are you afraid you'll have more bad dreams?" Jimin asked with Yoongi nodding his head.

Jimin dragged Yoongi to the couch and pushed him on it. "Fall asleep."

Yoongi shook his head, "No."

"I'll be right here, I'll make sure you won't have any bad dreams."

Yoongi kept refusing to the point where he actually fell asleep because of how tired he was.

Jimin sat right next to him, accidentally falling asleep on his shoulder.

That night, Yoongi had no bad dreams for the first time since his parents' death.

When they woke up, 5 other faces plus the manager were staring at them.

Jimin noticed he was laying on Yoongi's shoulder and jolted up.

"Why were you laying there??" Yoongi exclaimed, his face heated probably just as much as Jimin.

"Jimin and Yoongi sitting in a tree~ K I S S I N-" Taehyung started singing but Yoongi quickly got up and covered his mouth.

"I swear, if you finish that, you'll be gone like my parents." Yoongi growled.

"I'm surprised you can joke like that..." Jin said, eyes wide open.

Yoongi looked around to see how surprised his members were that he just said that.

"Well, I'm glad you're over their death but you still shouldn't joke like that." Namjoon said.

The only one who could tell how hurt Yoongi was that he just said that, was Jimin.


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