Chapter One

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Everyone in Walter Creek knew about Will Williams. As if the alliteration of his first and last names wasn't enough to keep him in your head, even if it was just in the deep recesses of your mind, his drop-dead gorgeous looks and broody, bad boy personality would ensure that you never forgot the rumours or that one, quick glance you got of him in the halls on a Tuesday morning.

While most girls threw themselves at him, I never paid him much attention. I was too enthralled in a good book to worry about guys who were out of my league.

Until the day I literally ran right into him.

It was senior year, the first day of school. I came barreling out of American History, realizing that I had left my awesome, amazing pens in my locker. (I know, I'm such a dork. Pens? Who cares about forgetting pens when you have a billion others? Anyway.)

Not watching where I was going, I bumped my shoulder against a hard wall of muscle. "Watch it," came a sharp voice.

"Why don't you?" I may be a little less socially inclined than some people, but I wasn't spineless. I had older brothers.

I stared up at the person I'd bumped into as I said this, and saw the deepest blue eyes ever staring down at me in anger and what looked to be a touch of amusement. He smirked, and I was immediately able to place him - Will Williams. Well, shit.

And yay.

Will Williams was not someone you wanted to insult. He had legions of fans just waiting to defend him and who would personally deliver you to Hell all for him. And I'd just managed to smart off at him. Damn my mouth.

On the other hand, however, the guy was gorgeous. Those blue eyes... The corded muscles... And the abs... He was mouthwatering.

"You want to say that again, darlin'?" God, I that was one sexy drawl.

Just apologize and get out of here!

Like always, I didn't listen to the little voice of reason inside my head. "I didn't say anything." I really needed to stop talking.

"Really? 'Cause I would've sworn that you said I should be looking where I was going when you ran into me."

Something about his arrogant tone and superior crossing-of-the-arms reminded me of my oldest brother, Cory. I hated his stupid attitude, and this guy, however unknowingly, had just flipped a switch. "Oh, you thought I ran into you? Poor baby, your eyes must need checking, because there is no way I would do something like that."

To my surprise, Will grinned. It was disarming. And totally cute. With his all-American looks and suave bad boy attitude he made one fine package. What the hell, Hailey? The guy's an asshole. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Darlin', I can make you do things you'd never consider even in your wildest dreams." And with a wink, he walked off just as the bell rang.

Great, I was officially late to class and on the bad boy's radar.

Definitely not where I wanted to be.


Day-um. That girl this morning had been all kinds of hot. Not in the obvious way like most of the chicks at this school, but in the feisty and unassuming way. There was something about that type that turned me on.

My first class was American History, and I'd been headed there when that little ball of fire ran into me. She was small, but her attitude made up for it. Taking my seat at the back of the class, the teacher - Ms. Randall, an older lady who I'd always liked - welcomed us and handed out the course outline before starting to read roll. Just as she was starting on the 'L's, the girl from this morning walked in and took a seat, but not before her eyes met mine and a cute blush spread across her cheeks.

"Bess Marchford?"

"Here," a petite brunette responded in a small voice.

"Hailey Martin?"

"Here." Ah, there was that strong voice that had taunted me not ten minutes ago. Hailey Martin. Cute name.

She turned to look back at me as my name was called. "Here," I answered, looking straight into her eyes. She snapped her head back around, picked up a pen, and started doodling in her notebook.

I didn't know why, but I found myself watching her for the rest of the class.

Hailey Martin.


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