CHAPTER ONE - Here We Go Again

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Tyson POV

There was something seriously weird about this chick. And I don’t mean the fact that she looked like she just got off the set of an action movie, although her clothes were definitely strange. No. What nagged me was the fact that she still wasn’t afraid of me. I had a certain reputation in this town and even if a foreigner like her didn’t know about it, she should have figured it out by now. But instead, when I caught her hand after she lashed out on me, all she did was look surprised. And now that I had countered her next few moves that look had turned into one of annoyance instead of what she should have felt: fear. But if she still didn’t get it, then it was time to stop being a gentleman. With that thought in mind I took a swing at her face and it was my turn to be taken aback as she swiftly dodged it and her fist collided with my stomach.

Okay, now I was really angry!


Alex POV

The boy I was fighting with was really, really good. And that means a lot coming from someone with my experience. How I got into this mess you ask?

Well, it all began with me moving into this shitty small town to start anew. To make a long story short, I got into some trouble back at home so my parents exiled me here. Which had its good sides considering who I left behind. But that’s a whole different story.

The weather outside was warm tonight with a nice cool breeze, so I’d decided to take a walk. I’d put on my combat boots, long black leather pants, strapless short black top that only covered my breast area, fingerless leather gloves and a knee length light black coat that I kept unbuttoned. Yes, you’ve guessed it, black was my favorite color. I didn’t have any jewelry on apart from the two things I always wore - the thick, engraved silver earring on the lowest hole of my right ear and my silver locket. Tonight it was hooked to a thick long chain and it reached my naked stomach.

I got outside of my apartment and not knowing the town that well yet, I headed for nowhere in particular. I was just turning round a corner when a street cat jumped in front of me. Startled to see me there, it froze. We stared at each other for a while before I nodded at it to move first. As if the cat understood me, it did. But before it disappeared from my vision it turned its head back and meowed.

“You’re welcome!” I shouted after it. I didn’t know why I did that; it wasn’t like the animal could understand me word by word.

I heard someone’s throaty laugh coming from behind me and turned to see who it was. After a few seconds of searching I found the source of the noise: a boy, who was leaning casually against one of the near-by buildings. He kept himself in the shadows so I had to squint my eyes slightly in an attempt to see him more clearly. He was medium height, seemingly about my age and had long dark hair that was tied in a low ponytail.

“Did you just speak to an animal?” His voice was musical even with the mocking inflection it held.

“And what if I did?” I asked jutting my chin up stubbornly.

“Then you’re even weirder than I thought.” He answered pushing himself off the wall and coming closer to me. He was only a step away from me when he finally stopped walking.

Now that he was standing under the streetlight, I looked at him again.

“Well built with practical casual clothing; right handed, definitely strong, probably fast too…” I silently listed in my mind. Then I sighed, realizing I was assessing whether he was a threat or not if we were to get into a strife. I guess old habits die hard!

Here We Go Again ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora