CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE - Polly, the neighborhood friendly parrot

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Tyson POV

“I really don’t need a babysitter, Ty!” The brunette commented for a hundredth time today as we exited another pawnshop. Alas, this one did not contain the item we were after either.

“It’s a dangerous neighborhood, Alex,” I stated coolly. I’ve been in a terribly bad mood ever since I met Devon yesterday.

“But I can take care of myself; you know I can!” She kept protesting but I kept ignoring her.

After yesterday’s self analyses I’d realized I had no chance with Alex while Devon was around. I thought about fighting for her but what was the point? This was Alex; if she wasn’t overly friendly with Devon, she would be with someone else. Could I really go through all that? Always wondering where she was, with whom she was and what she was doing? Besides, Alex was bisexual so I had to be on the lookout for men and women as members of both sexes were potential temptation for her and rivals to me.

So maybe I should try and keep my distance from her… Not that that worked out last time.

Bottom line: I had no idea what to do.

I took one cigarette out of the package and lit it. There were only two left now. I’d both this pack just last night.

“Do you have to smoke now?” Alex complained, walking beside me.

“I feel like having a smoke.” I shrugged without slowing down my pace or looking at her. She went on to enlist all the damage smoking can cause me and the people around me, but I wasn’t really listening to her tirade. Instead, my mind once again wandered off to the events from the previous day.

“So are you helping me, Lex… Alex?” Devon had questioned her, changing the way he addressed her in the last moment.

“Sure I am!” The girl exclaimed readily with a huge smile on her face.

“Okay…” The guy took out a map of the town and sprawled it on the counter between us. “So, I’ve already marked all the pawnshops in town. My idea is for the two of us to split up so we can cover more area in less time.”

“I’ll take these six,” Alex pointed at the map without hesitation.

“Those are in my neighborhood,” I commented.

“I know; I’ve already been there, remember?”
“It’s a dangerous place, Alex; you shouldn’t go alone.”

“I know how to take care of myself, Tyson,” she protested tiredly.

“She’s right; the girl can fight.”

“Thanks for the input, Devon, but I already knew that,” I stated coolly.

“Oh, yeah, Tyson and I had a few entertaining tussles,” the girl confirmed.

Hearing her words, Devon turned to me and checked me out with renewed interest.

“If you say so,” was what he uttered, ruffling his hair again and turning towards the brunette.

“I do say so. You should have a go at him, Dev; he’s quite a challenge!”

“Maybe I will,” the guy replied cockily and they exchanged one of those meaningful looks again. I didn’t know what exactly they had in mind but I could see that both of them were amused. “But if he’s as good as you say, if he knows just how good you are and yet he still insist you shouldn’t go into that neighborhood alone then maybe I should come with you.”

Alex opened her mouth to reply (most likely to protest) but I cut her off.

“I’ll take her,” I announced firmly. “I’ll go with her to the pawnshops at my hood.”

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