Chapter 37 - Down The Lake

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The night was oddly silent. Lying on my bed, I had a book in my hand, my eyes muscles debating whether to read or to rest. The tree leaves clattered due to wind. The swing moved back and forth in my backyard making its rusted hinges cling.

I heard a lady's sobbing. At first, I thought it was some spirit trying to get my attention. I shut the book, got out of the bed and stood near the window facing the lake. My mom was strolling down towards the lake. I knew mom had taken a leave from the restaurant due to all the cops and investigation but what was she doing at - I looked at the clock on my night stand which showed - 11:37 PM. She was wearing a dress my dad presented her on their last anniversary together. I remember this silk magenta dress I always loved.

I sat back on my bed, biting my nails, worrying about mom. Maybe I was over exaggerating the situation. She was just trying to calm her worries like me. She too, love being around water bodies. I try reading but unconsciously my mind debated whether I should go after her or not. A half an hour later, I went back to the window to see if she was all right.

I couldn't find her. There was no sign of her. I was about to run down the lake when I saw her coming back. As she climbed up the backyard, she was shivering. But it wasn't the cold that bothered her; she was wet. Did she went for swimming? She looked up at me when she reached the back door and smiled.

I smiled back, satisfied that she returned. I climbed onto my bed, switched off the lights and felt asleep. It was heck of a day and I couldn't take anymore.

"Hey!" Fingers shook my shoulder with force. "Get up!"

"Few more minutes, Jake!" I answered with a groggy voice and flipped the other side.

"I'm not Jake." a firm voice whispered in my ears.

My eyes shoot open. It was Will. I raised myself and snatched my blanket up to my neck. My gaze found Will's which were glistening with amusement. Let's not forget, he's in my room, sitting on my bed without permission, and he's not Edward Cullen. I woke up after a long tiresome night; my hairs, eyes, clothes would be a mess.

"Who let you in?" I asked.

"I did." he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. How can I forget, he's.. Will. He won't go away until he's done with what he came here to do. I popped out of my bed and made my way to bathroom without looking in his direction. I don't want to scare him off.

As I opened the door to the bathroom, Will stated, "It's not like I'm seeing you like this for the first time. You looked just as same, yesterday."

Turning around to face him, I folded my hands. Why is he here? "What do you mean 'seeing you like this'? What do I look like?"

"I'll honest. Ok?" He stood up and sauntered towards me. I took a step back naturally. "You look like a bird's nest who's been attacked by a predator." He held the stare with seriousness and then, bursted out in laughter.

Ugh.. I hate him.

I groaned and stomped into the bathroom. Few minutes later, I walked out with combed hairs and fresh face. He was standing near the window facing his house, his eyes staring nowhere. While he was in deep thoughts, I stared him. Not in a creepy way but in a caring way. He's so hard to understand.

When he turned around to face me, he caught me staring me. I looked away, preparing myself for his sassy comment.

"I don't think we should wait any longer. The quicker we get out of this situation, the better. I feel, I can feel, it's getting worse, Claire." his voice was all formal filled with stiffness. His playful eyes were replaced with seriousness.

A chill ran down my spine, making me shiver. Life keeps beating me with whiplashes every now and then, reminding that reality is far away from my sweet fantasies. He wants to get away from all these, from me. To be honest, that's what I want. He was right.

"Eric said that he knew someone who can help us with exorcism." I mumbled as I sat on the edge of my bed.

Will rested his hip against the window sill and said, "Rick might know this someone. You can ask him."

Hadn't I thought about this before? But the problem is, am I willing to risk his life too? For me? Hell no.

"Will," I fumbled with my fingers in my lap, deciding how to explain him. "If he believes my story, he will help."

"Then ask-" he began but I cut him.

"But, I don't want to take his help. Mark tried to patch up, he got killed. His head was literally chopped off his body. Ander then harmed my dad and now dad's fighting for his life. And Eric. I had known him for what, ten to fifteen minutes and they found his body from the lake few hours later."

"I know that-" I cut him again.

"What was their fault, Will? This is happening due to me. If I had swallowed my pride and did what you suggested, everyone would be happy with their lives. Including you and me. I am responsible for all this and I couldn't risk more lives. I will fight till I can, but I can't live knowing someone died because of me. That's why I was avoiding you. I don't want you to risk your life for me. Your family needs you-"

He took quick step towards me and sat down on the floor, his hands on mine, squeezing them. "This is not your fault, Claire. It's Ander's. You made mistake. Everyone does. But, please don't blame yourself. It should be Ander who-"

"It's not even Ander's fault!" I snatched out my hands from his hold, frustrated, "Is loving someone so much, a mistake? I don't think so. It's his stupid fiancee. The girl he loved. It's her mistake. Ander's been suffering for so many decades. He's just helpless."

I did not understand why was I taking Ander's side. He killed so many people. He'll kill me too. Yet, I had this.. affection for him. From what Theodora told me, I felt I know that guy. And Theodora did too. She told his story like it was her own.

"I don't care." Will stood up, "You are meeting Rick and asking him about the exorcist. And if you don't, I am not the one to be blamed." He pointed his index finger towards me when he ordered me.

He stomped out of my room with rage. Few minutes later, I heard my back door slam. I flinched. Will won't understand Ander's story. Will's sister and girlfriend were killed in this house. He just wants revenge.

Graveyard, BackyardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz