29| Warning

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The struggle you're in
today is developing the
Strength you need tomorrow.



I paced the entrance anxiously waiting for a glimpse of her. The crowd was going frenzy with excitement as the time passed. Claire stood sullenly a little distance away, refusing to look at anyone. I didn't know if she was feeling guilty or not, and frankly right now, I didn't care.

I check my watch for the thousandth time in the last one hour.

Two more minutes to go...

She would be able to make it, wouldn't she? The knife and the rope I had planted there would help her out, wouldn't it? But if she hadn't noticed the knife? What if the python had...?

Shut it, Ash. I told myself.

I couldn't continue my thoughts fearing what conclusion I would come to. I shut my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping that when I opened my eyes again, she would appear instantly.

I heard the rustle of leaves and footsteps draw closer. My eyes snapped open at the familiar scent and my heart beats slowed down in relief.

She was nearly there... She had done it... Proved them wrong.

But then the footsteps slowed down and came to an abrupt halt. My heart pummeled once more.

Ignoring the curious stares aimed at me by my pack members, I hurried towards the exit and peeked in trying to see if she was alright.

She wasn't.

She was leaning against the hedge, her eyes tightly shut while one hand supported her head. The other hand held a silver knife, and I noticed it was stained with blood.

I felt a strong wave of anger towards Jared, Claire and all the others who had underestimated her and had driven her to such recklessness. It was their fault. It was because of them, that she has stubborn to prove herself, and was in this heart wrenching state now. Despite standing merely metres away from her, I couldn't do anything to help her out, and that thought made me feel twice as guilty.

Her eyes fluttered open and she straightened up, swaying slightly. She must have noticed my shadow, for her neck instantly jerked up towards me.

The smile that lit up her face then, was blinding.

It was a miracle, she could still smile while she was going through such pain. What was she? Happiness personified?

She mumbled something which made no sense to me, because her voice was scratchy and hoarse. I looked on, trying to encourage her to come on. She could do this... Just a few steps more...

Ten seconds to go...

She limped towards me consuming every ounce of strength she had in her. My eyes brimmed with unshed tears of pride and joy for her as I watched her undying spirit.

They say men don't cry. Instead, they conceal their emotions and display a tough exterior. But right now, I had no control over the traitor tear that ran down my cheek.

Just looking at her limping form, clothes smeared with blood, her forehead still bleeding slightly, I could do nothing but gape at her.

She was courageous. She was brave beyond words. She was determined, and she had proved them all wrong. She was the perfect choice for the Luna.

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