Chapter 3

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This is a pic of Xander! Isn't he dreamy! 😝😍❤️😂

I wake up feeling refreshed. I think maybe my cry last night helped me emotionally to cope.

I look back on the events that happened yesterday. Yes Xander was a bastard towards me just like Caroline and Vince, but I'm not going to let him win. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction. 

I take a shower and change into some black leggings with one of Soul's big jumpers he let me borrow. I go down stairs and start to make everyone breakfast.

"Mmmm something smells mighty fine in here!" Avery yells as she walks in with a smile.

"Did you stay the night?" I asked while flipping the pancake.

"I live here dummy. The people that are considered family by the Alpha lives in this huge mansion of a house."

"Ohhhh that makes sense. So your mates?"

Avery nods, "Me and Emily's mates along with Noah, who is Xander's Beta, and his brother, were friends when they were little. Then when they found us, their mates, Xander allowed us to stay too. And Xander's parents live in a different house."

Avery and Emily living here? BONUS! "I'm so glad you guys live here too. That way I won't suffer alone in this testosterone filled house."

Avery laughs, "Girrrlll! I know how you feel. I love Jason, I really do, but sometimes I need my girl time."

"So you don't like spending time with me?" Jason says with a fake pout.

Avery turns around and laughs as she wraps her arms around his neck, "No baby. I'm just saying that it's still nice to hang out with the girls is all." She pecks his lips, giving him an instant smile. I wish I had that effect on my mate. A longing grew inside of me. I mentally shake my head. I can't think like that. I won't let myself.

He laughs as he picks her up and sits her on his lap at the table, "Yeah, I know what you mean."

I walked toward the cute couple and place their meals in front of them. Avery starts to eat her meal, but Jason turns to me and sticks his hand out, "We haven't officially met. I'm Jason, Avery's mate." I shake his hand in a firm grip and smile, "Hi, I'm Lizette." Jason's eyes look as if they bung out of their sockets, "You're the LUNA? And you're COOKING?!?!" He says in shock.

I laugh, "Yes I'm the Luna. But please call me Lizzy. And yes I do cook. Not because I'm forced, but because I want to."

Jason nods in understanding.

"I SMELL FOOD!" Emily yells. She comes running from the hallway. I fix her a plate and place it on the table. She practically attacks it as if it was an animal trying to run away. 

"Honey, eat slowly or you're going to make yourself sick," John says with a chuckle. Soul and someone who I've never met, came in and got themselves some food. He was very big. I mean I knew werewolves are naturally bigger than human guys. But this guy was bigger than a lot of male werewolves. Shit.

"Good Morning Luna. We haven't met yet, but I am Noah Maverick, Xander's Beta." I step closer to him and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, which caught him by surprise.

 "It's wonderful to meet you, Noah. I hope you enjoy your meal. And please call me Lizzy. Luna is too formal for my taste." He stiffly nods his head. I guess he was uncomfortable with how much affection I expressed. I mentally laughed, I guess I will have to get him used to it.

I start to do the dishes and pack away the leftovers when Xander comes in wearing a black tank top and low strung basketball shorts. Ugh! This is totally not fair! I hate him with a passion, yet I still internally drool over his freaking gorgeousness!

He gives me his usual cold glare, which makes his face not very attractive, and looks around the kitchen for food. "Where's my meal?!" He asks growls.
I turn to him and look at him dead in the eye, "You said you don't like my cooking. You've got hands, make something yourself." Everyone at the table stops eating and looks at me with shock.

Xander grabs the top of my arm in a painful grip, pulling me roughly towards him. Soul stands up immediately ready to attack.

"You dare speak to your alpha with disrespect!" Xander growls.

 I sneer at him with distaste. I look at him how he looks at me. This stuns him a little, "First of all, you are not my alpha. I haven't been accepted into this pack and I haven't accepted you as my mate. So you are not my Alpha. Secondly, respect is earned," I move my face a little closer to his, our nose almost touching. 

He frowns at my sudden resistance towards him, "You Xander Nightwalker have done nothing to earn my respect. Sorry if you were expecting me to give it to someone as undeserving as your sorry ass." I growled. I haven't used my commanding wolf voice for so long. Finally using it made me feel strong.

I rip out of his grasp and stomp away.


I stand in the middle of the kitchen stunned. I did not expect that. She always came out to be sweet and gentle. I mean, she was to everyone else...but me. I underestimated her strength. Strangely though, I was slightly aroused by her outburst. My mate has a backbone. That's pretty sexy. I shake my head. Stop it, Xander. I have to try harder for her to hate me.

I look to everyone at the silent table, all of them are going red from holding in their laughter except Noah. He was just sitting there with no expression.

Soul was the first to burst out laughing. He was leaning over, holding his stomach, "Oh man bro! You just got told! FINALLY!" He shouts with a laugh. Everyone else joined in. I growl at them all, silencing my family.

"Do not let that pathetic she-wolf influence you into disrespecting me!" I shouted with my Alpha voice. Everyone except my brother bows their heads."That beautiful she-wolf," pointing at the direction Lizzy went to, "Is your damn mate, yet you treat her like the dirt underneath your feet."

"That's because She. Is!" I growled, trying to convince Soul.

Soul stomps towards me with a snarled. He may be younger, but he is almost as big as me.
"She is your 'fucking' mate! Last time I checked, mates were equals. You don't deserve someone as sweet as Lizzy."

I take a step towards him. I let my Alpha side take over, "Remember your place little brother," I say in my deep Alpha voice. But it doesn't faze Soul at all.

"If anything Xander. You're probably the dirt beneath her feet. You should remember your responsibilities as a mate." With that said Soul storms off.

I didn't say anything back to him because he was right. I am dirty. I am disgusting, It's hurting to hurt her, but I know it's for the best. It will only come out bad if I stop pretending and release my true feelings.

I wonder how my life would be like if I did show my feelings for her at the start. She wouldn't hate me right now. She would look at me with a warm smile and love shining in her eyes. She would probably always bake me her delicious cookies. I can't believe I stomped on them. They were SO GOOD! I almost tried to eat the crumbs left on the floor.

She and I would be going for walks together, possibly talking about our future and how many kids we have. I honestly don't care how many kids we have as long as I have kids with her. I deep sadness sits in my chest...because I know I won't have kids with her, she won't love me, and she will end up loathing me for what I'm about to do. It's for the best though. It has to be. I continually repeat those words in my mind over and over again. It's for the best. It's for the best. It's for the best...I hope.


Oh my goodness! I already have 50 reads! That's amazing for me! Because I'm like a nobody haha so  it feels good! Please continue VOTING and COMMENTING!
I hope you guys are liking the story! And don't worry Xander isn't an asshole for the whole thing lol!😝😂❤️


I love you guys!

Aroha_xox. Xx

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