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Bonnie Bennett felt benumbed. Which each day passing, she dragged herself to school, idly sitting through her classes, never listening to the teachers' words as she automatically responded to Elena and Caroline's attempts to get her attention. The reassuring, fake smile only faltered when she headed for her Prius and automatically performed the acts to get the vehicle up and running.

Upon coming home into an empty house, she took an aspirin to calm the throbbing headache that was the only disturbance to the absolute muteness surrounding her.

Bonnie Bennett felt empty. Completely, utterly empty, but for a raw, painful feeling of despair, clenching her heart every now and then as the reason for her grievance flickered through the wad of cotton wool in her mind.

Sometimes, whether it would be when Caroline said something infinitely tactless or when she watched a show on television, she momentarily got distracted from the inescapable exasperation, only to have it return with double force upon remembering it, a cruel punishment for her negligence. Moments to avoid.

She had asked her father not to clean up her grandmother's house as of yet and knowing how much his daughter had loved her Grams he had respected her wishes. She hadn't yet returned to visit.

At night, when she'd done her homework, thanks to the copied notes Elena silently slipped her, she sat down at the window seat, watching the dark sky above the looming forest as weariness took over and silent tears flowed down her cheeks, her mood framed by the gloomy call of crows from the woods.

She cried herself to sleep every night.

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