Chapter 24: A head and a shoulder.

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The ride back to the office was in silence until I broke it.

"By the way, your little trick, it was hurtful but... you'll have to do a lot better if you want to get rid of me." I ended with a brief smile and though he looked my side, I was first to look away, deep down, trying very hard to stay in the same space as he without having to drag his tongue out for even threatening me in the first place.

I stared at the ceiling and after a while, looked away as I lay on my side. Sooner than later, I raised my head, watching Blayze who seemed quite immersed in his work. As I looked away from him, I bit my lower lips in thought of what to do next. I seem to have ran out of idea.

I'd done everything possible. I toured his office. I lurked his sides. I ate crunchy snacks, louder than usual just to irritate him. I talked, opting out chats but he never responded and now, I'm just out of touch. This man really has no feelings. How long do I have to keep this up? If he continues this way, I might be the one to give up instead of him.

I threw my back down on the sofa. Gosh, I'm exhausted. I glanced at the clock hung on the wall. Office hours are over. Great. In enthusiasm, I sat up.

"Blayze, when do we leave? Office hours are over." I awaited his reply but he didn't take a single look at me. It's almost as if I don't exist.

I let out a short breath, stood up from the sofa and immediately headed towards his desk. I lurked around his side for a while, having a good look at whatever he was doing. I moved to his other side.

"Great work. I bet you can finish this even faster at home." I suggested and awaited a reaction from him but got really nothing. Finally, I leaned on his desk, my head turned to him.

"Let's leave Blayze. I'm exhausted."

"You're free to leave. I never asked for your presence." He replied almost right away. His words sharp as always. I couldn't help the frown that wore on my face. I glared at him in silence, my thoughts in turmoil about what step to take next.

Do I leave?

I shook my head at the thought. That would be throwing in the towel. Fine. I'll stick around until his butt itches and he finally get up.

I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Blayze. Work as hard and long as you desire. Your dear wife is here to keep you company." Wearing a smile, I left his side, back to the sofa. I picked up my hand-phone off the centre table. I'll just keep myself busy until he's done.

I looked his side once more and met his unexpected gaze. He was quick to look away, a bit embarrassed that I caught him staring. A smile grew on my face. Sometimes, his acts are like that of a little kid. How cute.


It was real dark outside and all that illuminated were the street lights. The day's stress had taken a toll on me but I did so little to show it.

I felt something heavy on my arm and turned to my side. Though within the car was a bit dark, I could see her head which leaned on my arm. I'd forgotten I wasn't alone. It seems Caden really doesn't fancy heeding to warnings.

I pushed her head away and it fell right back on my arm. I took a look at her face and that's when I realized she was fast asleep.

A light and yet rough short breath left my lips as I looked away from her face. I can't believe how quick it was for her to fall asleep. Sure, she's probably having a good sleep after making my day extra stressful.

She really didn't have to lurk around so much, chew in an irritatingly loud manner or chat so much. I barely held my composure. It was all I had against her. I'd believed she would eventually become exhausted and leave at some point but she didn't.

"Turn the lights off... I want to sleep." She grumbled as she drew closer, her hands wrapping properly around my arm and her head resting on my shoulder like I was her bed and pillow all at the same time.

Too shocked and surprised all at the same time at how close she'd gotten, I felt quite frozen, just staring at her. After a while, I managed to look away.

The memory of the times she laid a hand on me throughout the day was refreshed and an uneasy feeling settled.

I should push her away.

I brought my hand close to do the needed but as my eyes fell on her face, my hand hung in the air. All I did was stare. Something within felt different and at the same time, blank. I had no thoughts, no inner turmoil. It just felt quiet... peaceful.

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