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" No, no Jimin you couldn't possibly mean-"

Jimin looks over and smiles. His eyes glistens and soon he's walking over towards the river, dragging along Yoongi who would be able to complete the task.

" STOP JIMIN! I can't do this to you!"

Yoongi tries to pull him back but is faced with an angry Jimin. The look on his face showed a goal. A goal in which he'd risk his life to bring back another. Jimin pulled Yoongi along with him using his strength.

" STOP!"

"You said you loved me Yoongi! Why can't you trust me and let me bring you back to life?!"

Suddenly Yoongi caught ahold of the younger's wrist and locked them together with his hands.

" Because.." he cries out.

" Because of what?!"

" That's what everybody said before they died."



" Do you think Jimin understood everything?" Sohyun laid down in her bed, staring up at the dark ceiling, wondering.

The night grew cold and crisp before her eyes would close on her. Sohyun talked to Jung throughout nightfall, explaining her tortures experience with Yoongi.

Jung let out a groan and held onto her golden bracelet.

" How did you even get to him in the first place?"

A shuffle of blankets could be heard before her answer.

" The same reason Jimin got there."

Jung scoffed and rolled her eyes at her younger sister's old 18 years old self.

Sohyun could sense her older sister's actions, making her upset.

" See, this was why I wanted to stay sleeping. Because of this."

Jung sat up instantly in her bed and flicked on the lights, letting the sudden rays bring hurt to them. " What did you say?"

Sohyun sits up and scratches her head, already knowing what was coming her way.

" Look I didn't mean-"

" You almost died Sohyun! You're fucking crazy! Why would you want to stay with Yoongi?!"

Jung threw her pillow across the room, hitting a few water bottles that stood near.

" I said I didn't mean it that way-"

" Then what way did you mean it in?!"

" Damn it Jung just listen to me for fucken once!"

Sohyun stood up and raised her voice, over powering her sisters.

" Because you guys never respected my decisions and were selfish enough for me to quit my dream job, I fell into his world! It all started because of you all! You never cared about me! You all are so fucking worried about having money in the future that you all don't know becoming a fucking doctor isn't what makes me happy! You guys don't know what it feels like to be with Yoongi! He makes you feel wanted unlike you all!"


Jung whip her hand across Sohyun's face making her fall back down onto her bed.

The door to both of the woman's room opens and Aeri stands In the doorway pushing Jung away from their baby sister.


Aeri runs over to Sohyun's bed and helps her up. Her left cheek swells up instantly and is now red. Tears fell down her face as she gets up from her bedroom and runs out. Aeri shouts for Sohyun and stares at Jung furiously.

" We all don't need another dad around Jung! Gosh him hitting you wasn't enough?!"

Storming out of the room, Aeri left Jung alone. Entering the hallway, Aeri turns to see Sohyun trying to open Jimin's door.

" Jimin? Jimin!" Sohyun grips onto the doorknob and tries to open it.

" JIMIN!" she screams.



Yoongi stood in the water next to Jimin. He held onto his boyfriend's cheeks, before kissing him. The kiss lasted longer than usual until Jimin pulled away, leaving a long string of saliva in between the both of them. Yoongi could feel himself get emotionally scarred once again before grabbing Jimin's hands.

He brought them up to his lips and pecked them softly.

" Jimin.." he whimpers out.

" I don't want to do this.."

His hyung had started to cry, making his voice echoed through the woods. The river they both stood in was starting to speed up, making the water reach up to their dry hips. Jimin forced a smile at Yoongi.

It was now, or never.
He knew the consequences he'd face, but at least he'd be happy with it. As long as Yoongi was coming back. If he didn't, it'd still be okay, because it was hard enough to be in a world without no care nor love. Time flew by and soon, he could feel himself start to sink.

Deeper, and slower down into the blue river. Jimin, took one last huge breath of air, before he's pushed down into nothing.

He doesn't know that Sohyun and his mom pushed down the door. He doesn't know about the fight between Sohyun and Jung.

He couldn't hear their empty cries when then found the golden bracelet in the trash, along with water spewing from his mouth. He didn't know that everyone tried to help him, because he himself was underwater, helpless.
Jimin could feel himself start to lose air.
His instincts wanting to push back up but he's held by Yoongi.

And at last, his throat closed up along with his life.


" Call 911! NOW!"
Sohyun laments heavily while holding her son against her chest. She cradles him and shakes for him to wake back up, screaming his name. Water was everywhere, his bed, himself, his clothes. They'd knew what that meant. That Jimin left.
" JIMIN!" Aeri cries,

and cries,

and cries.

She's stuck to face the horrible tragedy of her loved ones again. She, herself never had such good luck, and yet Jimin.


Sohyun ran downstairs unable to see properly. Not without wanting to cry every second. He did it, he was gone. There was no more Jimin, there was no more nephew. Jimin was gone, and he wasn't coming back. Snatching the phone off of the kitchen table, Sohyun dials 911 shakily and starts bawling. The line on the other hand was ringing which seemed like an eternity. Before she knew it, there was a knock on the front door making her startled.

" I already called 911! They should be here any moment!"

Jung yelled from the top of the staircase as she races towards Jimin's room.

Opening the door within a flash, Sohyun drops the phone. Cracks spread from corner to corner as a shrilled scream was lead out. Out of everyone, there stood Yoongi, alive and out of his misery.

<End of 1st book>

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