Chapter Nine

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Kaiden's date with Orange was too easy. All he had to do was show her a view from the tower before she threw herself at him. It was a good thing that the windows weren't very big, otherwise she would've fallen out of it.

"My father would like you," she breathed between kisses, clutching at his shirt, with her back against the cold stone wall.

Kaiden managed to keep himself from rolling his eyes. Of course her father would be thrilled with the idea of her being with him.

On the way to the tower, she talked all about her life and her father, the brother of the marquis. From the way she talked about him, he seemed to be a person who liked gaining more power and wealth.

It appeared that philosophy seemed to pass down to his daughter.

Bragging about her wardrobe and the suitors lining up at her door, she kept on talking and talking. She even bragged about her family's estate, comparing it to the massive castle that Kaiden owned.

When she got to speaking about his castle, she suddenly grew excited at the thought of them joining together, owning both pieces of land.

Her talk of the future that she desired made him feel uncomfortable. Just because he had told the girls that he was looking for wife didn't mean he was actually going to marry someone. He had made sure of carefully stating that they were merely a possibility of being his wife. His plan was just to get his curse broken and then let everyone go.

Earlier, he had figured that she was easily impressed by material goods, like money and property, which was why he was going to show her his land. Flaunt his wealth to tone her down a little.

But that didn't happen because the girl was too impatient. Not that he minded too much. Her first kiss had thrown him off balance, but he had recovered quickly enough.

After that, he had been shoved against the wall, with her attacking his mouth. The situation quickly changed after they had exchanged places.

Suddenly, she unattached her lips from his, interrupting his thoughts of what had happened earlier.

"I think we should we should stop," she surprisingly managed to gasp out. Her breathing was heavy, contrary to his. It appeared as if it meant a lot more for her than him.

Kaiden was rather shocked about her request. Usually he was the one who insisted on stopping. But that was before the courting idea was introduced to everyone.

She released her grip on him and rested her hands at her sides. He took a small step back, giving her a little more space. He was certain that he had a puzzled look on his face.

She closed her eyes and brushed back a loose strand of hair. When she opened her eyes again, she stared straight at Kaiden, suddenly looking very serious.

"I've been wondering for a while about this," she started slowly. "It had been on my mind ever since we met," she dragged on. Kaiden grew slightly annoyed with her. She needed to spit out whatever her point or question was.

"Why did you take me away when we met?" She finally asked her question.

Kaiden refrained himself from sucking his breath. So Kai really did capture some of the girls. Of course, he thought, how else would he have gotten thirty girls?

"Like I told you, I was finding women to be my wife. You just caught my eye," he lied.

To that day, he still wasn't sure what Kai did in those two days. Despite the fact that he had remembered some of it, those memories were only a few minutes worth of Kai's time in town. They were just brief fragments from here and there. All interactions with the girls never made it into his memory.

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