[ 23 ] I'll pick you up at six

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This chapter is dedicated to @namelessazre for the gorgeous banner above and @Sopipit for attempting to send me a banner but was ultimately unsuccessful. Your efforts are truly appreciated.

Chapter song : The Rebound by Aftertheparty

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• C H A P T E R

T W E N T Y  T H R E E  •

It seems like every time I get invited to a group gathering or worst, a party, trouble always seems to find me. The mere thought of almost drowning tonight, brings me to the conclusion that, these types of events are officially not for me.

Maybe that's a good thing.

I wouldn't have to be in the presence of people who are always out to get me.

"Don't do this Emery."

The sound of her voice doesn't refrain me from walking. Tonight has been an eye opener and has made me question where my friends loyalties lie.

"We're not done with the conversation." She indicates heatedly.

"That's too bad because I am."

Putting her voice on mute, I march towards the front door while drops of chlorine water escape me. It's a good thing I have a ride since I wouldn't have returned home in my friends' car.

In a sudden motion, I'm drawn backwards to the extent of swivelling around, before coming face to face with Aaliyah. I throw her an apathetic expression and in return, her eyes blaze with desperation.

"I can't believe you're asking me to choose." She starts, her voice laced with disbelief.

My jaw drops. "What I can't believe is how you just stood there, and allowed that jackass to say those things to me."

"He was just kidding Emery," she justifies. "Have a sense of humor."

An accusatory expression paints my features. "So that makes it okay for him to verbally attack me after I almost drowned tonight? You didn't even do anything to stop it."

Aaliyah's face crinkles in irritation. "Emery, don't you think you're being way too dramatic? You're taking your anger out on me whereas I'm not the enemy here, Amanda is."

"Don't you get the bigger picture?" I retort. "Gosh Aaliyah, it's bad enough that you've been distant ever since you started dating him but to the point where you're completely blinded by everything. . ."

Briefly, I shut my eyes and wonder how we've come to this.

Once I reopen them, she hugs herself.

"So you decide to give me an ultimatum because of that?" she queries derisively. "Look, I get that you and Luke don't get along but that's between you and him. I don't want to be caught in the middle of it all. Your problem is with him, not me and I just think that you're exaggerating."

Pursing my lips, I fold my arms across my chest. "I don't give a damn if I'm being irrational or too over the top. With the way you've been acting lately all thanks to his influence, you had it coming."

Suddenly, the sound of an applause travels within our hearing distance.

"Great show, bravo." A sudden anger flares up to my eyes upon hearing the sound of his voice.

It's not until I avert my gaze from her's to Luke's, that I become cognizant of our audience. Stacey along with Amanda and Natalie have silently been observing the scene.

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