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Incoming call :

<< Bae>>

"Jake! Some person called Bae is calling."

"Oh shit-"

"Is my name actually bae on his phone?"

"Oh my gosh, flower girl, it's you."

"Blind boy"

"Isaac, can you for once not touch my phone?"

"Mate, I try but damn those pictures keep making me come back for more. Oh my goodness, mama Mia"

"What pictures. Oh my- ew Jake you're disgusting."

"Babe, its not what you think."

"Oh it's not?"

"Lily, those steaming hot noodles, glazed donuts, them cookies-"

"Oh my gosh, hahaha"


"Hashtag Food Porn?"

"Lily , no one says hashtag. It's for my job, I want to be a food photographer."


"Yes, Lily?"


"Say something."

"You're cute. Guys with goals and aspirations are so attractive."

"Lily. Can you please stop it with the cute? He's turning red at an alarming rate and I do not desire to visit the emergency room anytime soon"


"Yeah, I'm a dog, yada yada yada- 'kay bye Lily."

"Isaac, you called me Lily."

"Don't flatter yourself, bro-transforming -into- a tomato- making- him-so- sappy- flower- girl- Lily."


-beep beep-


"She's kinda nice, dude."



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