Chapter One- Introduction

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Hey just wanted to say thank you for reading my book! I'm not really good at descriptions so sorry about that! But anyway I hope you enjoy! Thanks!

- Bayleigh

beep beep beep

That's the dreadful sound that I awoke to this morning. It was 6:00 am on the dot and I hopped out of bed to go get ready for day. I walked over to the bathroom and then I stripped of my clothes and took a relaxing, hot shower. Then blow dried my brown hair and put it into a messy bun before changing into a pair of jean shorts and a ombre blue crop top. I scurried into the bathroom as I noticed the time and realized I had twenty minutes before I had to be at school, to meet with Chloe. I quickly did my makeup and then rushed down stairs to be greeted by my roommate, Hailey.

    Okay, so I'm assuming that you're confused so I'll start from the beginning. My name is Tessa O'Conner, I live in San Francisco, California. I am a highschool student at  Treewood Private School. I live with one of my best friends, Hailey Stevens, who I've known since birth.  I have three brothers, Gavin who's 19, Griffin who's 22, and my twin, William, although him and I look nothing alike. And William is 18 just like me. But those are my siblings I'm the only girl.

" Good morning Tessa " Hailey said cheerfully.

" Morning Hailey, need a ride to school?" I asked with a smile.

" Thanks Tessa but I'm getting a ride from Owen." she replied.

" Since when did you and Owen become a thing?" I asked suspiciously.

I saw the blush creep up her cheeks and a smile spread across her face.

" Well we've been talking for the past few weeks, and then he asked me out on a date. And well things went good, then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." she said as the blush wore off of her face, but her smile remained.

" Why didn't you tell me this? This is so exciting!" I say as I run over to her and give her a tight hug.

" Tessa..."

" Yea?"

" Two things, one I can't breath." she says and I let go.  "And two you have to be at school in five minutes to meet with Chloe." she says as her toast pops out of the toaster.

" Oh crap! Alright bye!" I say while grabbing my belongings and then jog to the elevator. Only then do I realized I forgot my keys. As I rush down the hallway back to my penthouse I run into someone, causing me to fall on the floor.

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