Chapter Eight

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Climbing out of a window isn't as easy as it seems in movies! I managed to get out of it with so much difficulty. I even sustained several scratches! Thank goodness my wolf will heal me.

Scarletta has been completely silent and shutting me out, most likely grieving over her cheating mate.

By the time I get to level ground, I decide that the best route to take isn't the route I used to get here but a different one. I'll go through the yard. I notice thick woods at the back of the house and that should lead somewhere!

I make my way through the back, unseen and as I am just about to cross over to the woods, I see Hayden. He's talking to some guy I don't know. He eventually passes by, not noticing me and I take that opportunity to cross to the woods.

The trees in the woods aren't very dense which is good. I honestly don't know where I am going to until I see a small creak. I stare at the water and then lean in to take a bit when someone grabs me by my wrist.

I instinctively shove the person as I turn around and the person lands against the bark of a tree. I know him. He's the one that was having that argument with Emile. The one that looked at me with so much hatred. The one known as Matthew.

"Calm down!" He says in an annoyed manner "What are you doing here?"

"None of your business!" I growl at him. He just rolls his eyes at me.

"So obviously, my brother doesn't know that you're here?" He pauses "trying to escape." Did he just say his brother?

"Max is your brother?" I ask to confirm.

"Unfortunately." He gives me a dead look. Like as if that is very obvious and I shouldn't try to ask him anymore questions. I oblige although I'm surprised. I was always under the impression that Emile was an only child "Why are you even escaping?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"I would understand it if my brother didn't have your father but the fact that he does and you're trying to escape shows that you are rather stupid!" He declares with a condescending glare which I match with my angry one. How dare he?

"What do you mean!" I yell ready to strike him. He just leans further against the tree trunk, in a comfortable looking position.

"You realise that the only thing keeping your father in the land of the living is you right? If you leave, my brother will kill your father. He was going to kill him the day you came here anyway which I wish he had but no, he had this stupid idea of using you as a pawn to hurt that devil you call your father." He says with so much distaste that I feel like he is just sprewing venom on me.

"If you hate him so much then why are you trying to stop me from escaping when you know my father will be killed once I do?"

"Look I personally don't care about you. Whether you leave or not, it's a win-win situation. If you go, your father dies and I'm happy but if you stay, your father dies on the inside watching his baby girl suffer and I'll be happy." He moves closer to me and then when he is only inches away from me, he leans into my ear and says "Either way, I am happy." Then he goes back to his tree trunk and leans against it.

"Why do you all hate my father so much?" He rolls his eyes again at me and I comprehend that he isn't going to talk.

"All I will say is that he's a monster. Anyway, you plan to go back to your pack, then what? Plan a coup and come and grab daddy? Look you've been here over a week. If your pack didn't come and get you or your father, their Alpha for that matter then face it babydoll, they ain't coming and they ain't helping." He looks at me coldly "Well make your choice and if you can live with your father's death on your conscience, go. Otherwise, you best to return to your hateful mate, my awesome brother!" His words dawn on me seriously but I also know that the last part was sarcasm. And with that, Matthew disappears, just as quickly as he appeared.

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