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Dan sat there his eyes focused on Phil's trying to find a lie but failing. Dan was stunned those words hit him at full strength and made him weak. He was happy. Dan didn't know how to act and his mind was going so crazy that all he could do is cry.
Salty tears cut down his cheeks at a rapid speed. The quiet room was filled with sobs and whimpers. Phil was confused so all he could do is hug Dan and tell him its okay. Phil whispered reassuring words into Dan's red ear.
" shhhh... its okay. What's wrong?" Phil whispered.
Dan pulled away from Phil looking downwards hiding his face. Phil sat there worried he had said something he shouldn't have. Dan finally looked up, smiling. Their eyes met and Dan's eyes still were pushing out tears.
"Nothing Phil, I am just so happy you love me. I- I always loved you and I could never tell you because I always got myself so worked up." Dan said in a weak voice.
Phil made a goofy smile at Dan making Dan giggle. Phil giggled along and soon it turned into laughter. Dan launched at phil and wrapped his arms around him pulling Phil into a tight embrace still laughing.
Phil wrapped his arms around Dan gripping his black shirt. They had both calmed down by now and they sat there silently and happy.
Dan remembered all of the horrible silent hours he spent in his room thinking. Now silence is bliss because he was in the love of his life's arms.
They both separated and sat upright. That was soon changed as they both start to lean inwards. They both paused when they were a centimeter away. Their breath flowed together and danced on their lips before the finally closed the gap between them.
Their lips moved softly and passionately together as they each put their hands on the others neck. No thoughts got in their ways. No negativity. Only love and pure bliss.
Dan memorized the shape and taste of phil's lips. The room the was filled with confusion a minute ago was now filled with love and happiness.
After a few minutes they pulled apart both with blushes dusted onto their creamy cheeks.
"Hey, Dan we should go out! Like maybe to see a movie?" Phil asked with excitement.
"Yeah! Lets go!" Dan yelled instantly getting up and pulling Phil out of his bedroom door and towards the front. Dan waited for Phil to get his keys smiling with excitement.
Phil ran up to Dan and opened the front door and they both ran towards Phil's car as if they were two kids having a race.
Phil unlocked the car and got into the drivers seat. Dan opened his door and sat down in the front seat so he could be by Phil. Phil took his key and pushed it into the car and twisted it earning a loud grumble from the engine.
Dan reached over and turned on the radio and muse was playing. They both started to smile and sing along with the music and Phil backed the car out of the driveway.
They drove down the street and entered a busy one making a right turn. They both kept on singing happily as they drove down the highly populated streets.
They approached a red light so phil hit his breaks they were the first ones in the line at the red light and they high fived each other. They sat patiently waiting and watching for the light to turn green.
finally the light turned the desired color and Phil hit his gas. But phil wasn't the only one who did as he turned his head to see a car driving straight at him.
All Dan could hear was glass breaking and screaming and all he could see was darkness. Oh god.

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