Chapter 31-32

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Stop! The word screeched from my lips, but no matter how many times I tried desperately to plead with him, demanded even, Greyson stood in his place and wait for Remington to make the next move. 

He was being cautious. Making sure that his body was positioned to take on any attack Remington flung at him. 

"You're alive." Remington frowned at me looking disappointed and a chill crawled down my back. I staggered feeling out of balance and recalled the memory of drowning.

Greyson snarled snapping his sharp teeth at him which made him grin even more. He knew I was here, but didn't stop to acknowledge me. Slowly angled his body in a way that I was out of Remington's focus.

These two rivaling wolves weren't going to back down until one of them was completely ripped out of this world and buried beneath the ground.

"Stop them!" Desperately, I searched for anyone who could help. I came in eye contact with Bennett who was hesitating to step in between his son and the crazy man who was intent on killing everyone. To my relief, Vincent wasn't unfazed at all and ran to Greyson's side in attempt to aid him the best he can.

Stubborn as he is, Greyson didn't appreciate the support and growled signaling Vincent to back away. He shoved his nozzle to the side of Vincent's outer thigh making Vincent stagger sideways. 

I sickened me more to think that deep down inside me, me and this lunatic, shared the same D.N.A.

"Let me help!" Vincent clenched his teeth and growled at Greyson.

Again, Greyson have him a warning growl. This is my fight alone.

Of all the times in the world, his stubbornness had to win out now. I could kill him myself if he wasn't trying to get himself killed at this moment.

"Greyson...I'm alive. I'm here. Please—

I begged him for what exactly? To stop fighting. To come to my side and go home? Either those options wouldn't solve our problem. It wouldn't stop Greyson from what he intended to do. The problem was staring at my mate with such killer intent. He had to do this. Greyson needs to rid the world of this man or we could never have a future. The trauma afterwards would also follow.

Had Greyson killed another man before?

I stared at the man who I have opened my whole heart to. His love, his kindness, his devotion to those he cared so deeply about. There was no doubt that he has ever seriously hurt a living creature in his life. The results after today will change him and I fear for what we would have to get through together. But that's right...we would get through this together. I am his support and starting right now I was going to give him my love and encouragement.

As much as I hated saying it, I did.

"Greyson. End this." I said blankly, feeling a stupid for saying this now when earlier I said to stop. I probably sounded crazy to Bennet and Vincent whose eyes grew wide-eyed by my sudden declaration, but when Greyson turned his head slightly and gave me a quick nod I knew I said the right thing.

"Sweetie, I should have ended this years ago." Remington said.

Greyson took that moment as a chance to attack his opponent's weak spot. He bit down on Remington's arm and it made a grotesque crunch sound.

Remington cursed through his teeth and swung his fit, punching Greyson in the head three times before he let go. Greyson fell to the ground but quickly got back on all paws. He didn't waste a second, lunging again.

It bothered me that Remington choose to fight in his human form. He would be more stronger in his wolf form, so why did he not transform? 

Both looked battered up. I was pleased to see that Remington was out of breath. He isn't indestructible after all.

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