Tripping Hearts and Wild Cherries (7)

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They took River's car for the half hour journey to the cherry farm. Lara appeared incapable of shutting up, while Max was very close to dozing off - despite Lara's irritation.

Max was woken up in a odd way. His body swayed and jolted gently, and opening his hazed eyes, a slightly blurry stubbled chin appeared above him. Was he... River was carrying him? He smelled good. River smelled really good. And was so warm. Max should be protesting, trying to stand up in his own but... why not enjoy himself just a little longer? As all cats, Max was a creature of comfort, and right now, the comfiest spot was in River's arms.

"Is he... is he snuggling you?" Lara's voice filtered through, but Max still couldn't work up the will to move, even as he listened to them.

River hummed. "I don't mind." A moment of silence. "He's kinda cute."

Max buried his face further into the crook of River's arm, if only to try to hide whatever blush might be rising.

"Ohh? What was that you said, River?" From Lara's tone of voice, she knew exactly what River said.

He didn't seem to notice. "I... I said... he's cute."

Max didn't hear anymore. He stopped listening and found himself drifting off once again. When he woke up again, he was face down on the ground in slight pain.

"What... the fuck...?" He asked as he pushed himself up off the packed dirt trail.

"You opened your eyes and then tried to punch me." River told him. "Do you do that a lot?"

Max blinked. And then felt heat rise in his face. "I... sorry. It's a side effect of being a marine." Giving the barest of smiles, he tacked on, "You start moving before you actually wake up."

River held a hand out instead of commenting. Max let the other man help him up and they continued to walk to the cherry farm.

"Well this is awkward." Lara giggled. "Cherry picking is supposed to be fun guys. Cheer up."

"I'm always like this," Max raised an eyebrow, turning to River. "What's your excuse?"

River looked surprised that Max had called him out. And then he frowned. "I..." he shrugged, running fingers through his hair. "I don't know."

That was a lie. Max knew that was a lie. It was written all over the nervous gestures. Of course, Max didn't want to push. Pushing would, once again, mean he'd have to admit to noticing every time those beautifully strong hands carded through that thick dark hair.

No Max... he couldn't think about that. He already knew he was fond of River but if he started pining over the man...

That would be pathetic.

Max continued walking. In an effort to alleviate the awkwardness, Lara started humming a song. It was one Max knew, so he joined in, singing the lyrics with a voice that was a little out of tune. He didn't really care.

The walk was over in just three minutes and they were greeted by what looked like a small cottage. The doors were wide, with a sign in the window proclaiming they were open. A grizzly old man sat at the counter, greeting the three of them with a glad smile.

"Welcome, y'all are here at prime cherry pickin' season." He grinned, a single canine missing. "One basket, as many as you can fit in it, fifteen bucks."

They each walked out with a basket. Lara was quick to go off on her own, telling the two men she would meet them back at the cottage in three hours. River stuck with Max, oddly enough.

"Why do I make you nervous?" Max wanted to ask. "Why are you always so uncomfortable around me? Why don't you smile with your eyes?" He didn't ask.

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