Epilogue | My Life Is Perfect

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{Pic of Alisher. Edited}

Song: In the name of love

Artist (s): Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha

Life is so unpredictable. Be grateful for every moment.

(Special announcement in A/N)


Much of the pain in life comes from having a life plan that you've fallen in love with, and when it doesn't work out, you become angry that you now have to pursue a new life plan. But what I've learnt it that if you want to tame your inner demons, you must not become attached to any life plan, and remain open to there being an even better, happier life plan.

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understand. I live and I understood.

Over a year ago, I was sitting in my very own pack, happily enjoying life with my best friend. Now? Now I'm about to become a mother. A year ago, I would have never predicted my life to be the way it is now. I never predicted to have a mate who would treat me like a queen and would change my surname. I never predicted I would get new family members in the form of friends. I never predicted that I would become the Luna of a pack that will love and cherish me and I never predicted that I would be a mother.

Throughout my life I have fell. I have risen. I have made mistakes. I have lived and I have learned. I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human - mostly - and I'm not perfect but I'm thankful. For all the chances life threw in my face. I have always been the one running after approval. From everyone. But now? Now I don't chase people any more. I've learned that I'm here and I'm important. I'm not going to run after people any more to prove that I matter.  But the main key behind my happiness is love. Being in love. I've always wanted to find my prince charming ever since I was a little girl. I've always picture that special someone. As I grew older that picture began losing its colour because of society. I soon forget about love altogether. That's until I met Asher.

Love is like a lost object. If you search too hard you'll never find it. But if you just forget about it momentarily, It'll show up in the most unexpected way. Asher and I fell for each other without even knowing it. Our relationship extended to such a level that we're now going to be parents. It was unplanned but that doesn't mean unwanted or unloved. It just means life knew what we needed before we did. As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier then originally planned. That's what you call the Goddess's will. And I'm already in love with a child I have never met.

You've just gotta learn to love life


Being pregnant isn't easy in itself and having a protective alpha mate watching over you 24/7 doesn't help either. Not only is it hard but it's also embarrassing. Let me explain the one time I had humiliated myself in front of Asher.  

I was eight months along (with a belly the size a yoga ball) and I went into the shop to get just some bread and a small package of chicken - I had wanted to go alone but Asher insisted on going with me, but I made sure he knew well that I didn't need his assistance - I had to walk down the cracker/cookie aisle to get to the bread aisle and started getting cravings. Asher had gone to get the chicken. And so I'm just carrying the items in my hands because I didn't go in to buy so much, but I started trying to juggle a box a Cheezit crackers here, and a package of oreo cookies there... So my hands are full and I start to squat to reach for something while balancing all the stuff already in my full arms. I get all the way down, reach out for the bag of cookies, and my body starts teetering. I grab the bag and fell on my ass. Do you think I could get up?? Hell, no! There were people in the aisle, including a woman with a little girl who looked right at me and said "Mommy, she went oopsie" and started giggling. I was mortified. I eventually put all my stuff on the floor and tried to get up. It didn't work. Soon enough Asher had found me sitting on the floor arms crossed against my chest.

"Don't you dare say anything" I threatened and he hid a laugh walking over to me, helping me up. 

"I can go on my own you know. I won't be needing your help" he mocked letting out a laugh. My face turned red and I just walked back to the car with my head down in shame, while Asher bought me all the stuff I had left on the floor. He still hasn't let that one go.

Carrying the baby might give everyone some memories to chuckle about, but the most mortifying moment was when I was giving birth just a few hours ago. Asher, Brittany and Charlie were in the room with me when I gave birth and as I was progressing through labour, my doctor decided to invite everyone to look at my exposed water bag, and at the moment Brittany bent down and was right in front, the water broke and I shot her in the face! I saw it going at her, and all I could do was cover my mouth and look away. She freaked out, and to this day is still very mad at my doctor. It was hilarious to everyone but her.   


As soon as the nurses placed my baby boy into my arms, he snuggled right into my heart. Asher walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me looking down at our son as I tried holding back my tears. I just wish I could freeze this moment, right her, right now, and live in it forever.

"That's my son" Asher whispered in my ear, his voice full of pride. "our son" he kissed my temple. I nodded in agreement too overwhelmed to say anything. He turned my face so I was facing him and captured my lips with his own.

"Thank you. For everything. For entering my life. For being my mate. For being my wife. For loving me and changing me for the better." He looked down at the precious human sleeping in my arms. "for giving me my biggest happiness" He bent down slowing pecking his forehead.

"Come here" I whispered as he slowly backed away. I held my arms up wanting him to hold our baby.

"No. No. I'm gonna hurt him" he refused instantly. I smiled at him reassuringly.

"No you won't, trust me" He looked at me for a second before and sighing and extending his arms. I smiled placing our son in his arms. He instantly curled up in his chest and I swear I could see the tears forming in Asher's eyes.

"This is my son" he said as if he didn't believe what was going on.

"He is and he's going to be just like you. An honest and dedicated leader" I smiled motioning for him to come sit next to me. He did.

"And he's going to be true to himself like you." He leant down pecking my lips. I placed my arms under Asher's so we were holding our son together and rested my head on his shoulder. Just as we relaxed, the door flew open and in came the people I loved so dearly. My dad, Alec, Chance, Brittany, Ryan and Charlie all walked in smiling brightly.

"Where's Hunter?" I asked Alec noticing his absence. Hunter was Alec's mate, who he met a few months ago. They were already deeply in love. 

"The cafe" he replied walking towards me. He looked down at Asher and I and smiled.

"You guys deserve to be so happy" my dad walked forward pecking my forehead.

"I second that" Brittany comes to stand by him along with Ryan leaning down to peck her nephew.

"What are you naming him?" Chance asked sitting down on my hospital bed. Charlie followed his lead and Hunter managed to make it back just as the conversation started. Everyone started yelling out different names and I just looked at Asher smiling. 

"Jaxon" he announced looking at everyone.

"I like that" Charlie commented and everyone agreed.

"Jaxon Raven. The future leader of the BloodMoon Pack. Our son"

My life is perfect.


{A/N: This is it guys. We're journey with Asher and Alicia was just till now. I'm going to miss these two so much. I know a lot of you are requesting a sequel but I feel as if the story of Alisher would be ruined if I continue it. Thank you so much guys for your love and support. Please don't forget to...




Lots of love - Me}

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