thirty four

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"Alexa has messaged me" I mentioned, showing my phone to Brandon

As I read the simple reply, I felt my heart sink. The short number of words were comforting us and telling us she was ok, but now all I could feel was sadness

"Why isn't she giving us any information? Where is she?" Brandon stood up and put his coat on "I'm going to look for her"

I followed my brother out to the car, we were both going to search for her together. We decided to begin at one end of the town and drive to the other

"If we find her, don't be too harsh on her" I said

Brandon hit my arm "If?? Not 'if', we WILL find her and she will be punished. She needs to be taught a lesson"

"Don't be like can't be talking like that to her" I defended Alexa

He just ignored my comment and concentrated on pulling out of the driveway


"Corey?" a voice called behind me, it was deep and indicated it was a males voice

I turned on my heels and saw Adam and Hannah, probably Alexa's only two friends in school

"Hey, where's Alexa? I haven't seen her today! Did you hear about her and Matt?" Hannah asked

"Yeah, that guy doesn't know what's coming to him, he best watch his back" I admitted

Adam spoke up "Is everything okay with her?"

"She'll be fine, thanks guys"

The pair walked away and onto their lesson, whilst I messaged my brothers, seeing if they had a reply from Alexa yet

As I reached my lesson, I took my seat in the middle row and pulled out my books, I tried to concentrate but I was so worried about Alexa, I really hope she's okay


"No sign of her down this end" I sighed

Running my fingers through my hair I began to become even more stressed

We drove past a bridge, where I saw a girl hunched in a ball, she looked so small and vulnerable, reminding me of our own sister. I can't even bare to think where she is or what state shes in - mentally and physically

My eyes fixed on her as we drove past, I knew it couldnt be Alexa, she wouldn't be this far from home

"Poor lass, she looks so upset" I commented

"I know, I'd hate to think what's happened to her and why she is on the street. She probably slept over night" Brandon replied

I scratched my head "What do you reckon Alexa did?"

Brandon remained silent whilst he thought about his answer "I-I don't know really"

She could have been anywhere! She could be anywhere. We drove away from the bridge, but my thoughts were focused on that girl, just the way she was presented, so innocent to everything

I just wanted to find Alexa, I want her to know we aren't mad, we're just disappointed


I sat curled up, using my camera as a mirror, I saw my reflection, my bruises and marks were more visible than before, and I had dark bags under my eyes

Cars drove past me, people walked past me. Nobdoy stopped, but rather stared as they walked past. I felt so small compared to everyone and everything

I remained in the spot for about an hour, but I became fed up and just wanted to walk. I stood up and took a deep breath as I gathered my bag and walked off, further and further away from home. I have no plan nor destination of where I want to go

I then had an idea. Something I didn't think of doing last night. Sitting on the low brick wall, I got my phone out and launched up our sibling group chat. I clicked and began typing a new message, letting my thoughts flow

Hi guys. I don't know how you're going to react to this, but it's not really important to me, as I won't be around to see your reactions. I'm in a situation right now, that I never thought I'd be in...Matt and Abbie really got to me at school, and it was Abbie who instigated the fight; but you weren't there to see it so probably won't believe me. Brandon, you lied to me. You told me that if Matt broke my heart you'd go to his house and hurt him. I don't believe that you followed through with that. I'm sorry if, in my 17 years, I have brought shame or upset to you, I guess growing up with all brothers is hard. I've decided to take some time to myself and just step out of my daily life for a while. Things are getting tough, but I've tried to hide it well. I'll be okay, don't worry. I love you guys and I'll see you soon xxxx

A tear rolled down my cheek. Why has this stupid relationship got in between my relationship with mt brothers? More importantly, why do I feel worthless and like everything is always my fault?


I sat in my Geography lesson, listening to my teacher going on and on about Mountains. It wasn't the most exciting lesson, as we were just recapping the facts for our exams next month

This whole situation with Matt and Alexa is stupid. It's been on my mind recently and I don't know how to feel on it, I'm just shocked that she hasn't been home yet

I am slightly worried about her, because she's my sister and anything can happen to her when she is out and alone, especially on an evening.

Maybe tonight, if there is no news on her, then I'll go out with Corey in the hope of finding her. There's few places she could be, infact, there's nowhere I can think of specifically

Usually in the movies, when a sibling goes missing, they end up going to the most obvious place possible, which is somewhere with meaning

In my case, there's nowhere


Hey guys! I hope you're all enjoying this book so far :)

This chapter focused on each of the characters PoV's, as I wanted to portray their own individual opinions on the situation

Thank you all for commenting, voting and reading, it means a lot to me


The Youngest Of Five (COMPLETED) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt