Chapter 5 - Her Smile?

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Max’s POV

‘Good Job today,’ Aria commented as we got into her car. I had invited her to come over and hang out tonight, since I wasn’t able to spend the night with Ryan.

‘Thanks, you did pretty well yourself, I think that poor wardrobe guy was scared shitless when you told him my shirt was wrong.’

She laughed, flipping her dark curls as she did. ‘Yeah that was pretty funny.’

‘It was also pretty mean,’ I told her as we pulled out of the parking lot.

‘Eh, he’ll get over it, anyway, your place or mine?’

‘Mine, I’ve got popcorn,’ I told her, flaunting her love of popcorn. She had a nice house, but mine was closer to Ryan’s if he ended up being able to meet up later in the night.

‘Definitely yours then.’

‘I can’t believe that photo-shoot, it went for hours and then that ‘lunch’ meeting, what was with that, it went for like four hours,’ I complained to my best friend.

‘Don’t be silly, it was only like three.’

At least I could go home and relax with Aria now.


We went to my apartment, pulling up at the large white building, where I owned the penthouse. The floor plan was pretty simple, each room being quite large and modern, the colour scheme simple with mostly white and bold colours. As usual Aria went straight to my kitchen, in search of food and alcohol probably.

‘Uh Max, you’ve got more than popcorn in here,’ she commented, standing at my fridge. Oh, yeah, I had all the food I was going to have with Ryan tonight in there. I was going to offer it to her but her she shut the fridge door and walked towards the bench.

‘Oohh, fancy wine,’ she noticed the bottle of wine sitting on the bench and poured herself a glass, offering me one, but I just shook my head.

 ‘Come sit,’ she motioned for me to sit at my own table and I complied following the girl, her heels making noises against the floors as she walked.

‘What’s up Ari?’

‘Ari?’ she gave me an amused expression.


‘No,’ she said strongly.



I laughed at the girl, ‘Fine Ria then.’

‘Ria? No way.’

‘You’re no fun,’ I teased.

‘Shut up Max, business time,’ she patted her golden watch, apparently there was a time on it called ‘business time'.'

‘Feisty today,’ I winked, ‘I like it.’ 

‘Yeah no, this,’ she waved her hand between us, ‘is a friend only thing.’

‘You break my heart,’ I clutched at my chest and she slapped my arm.

‘Business talk please.’

‘Fine, fine, what’s up Ria?’

She hated nicknames and I loved to use that to tease her about it. The brunette sent me a mock angry look before she continued to speak. 

‘The premiere at the end of the week, I want you to bring Alisa Zalesskii,’ she said seriously and I thought back.

‘Alisa? The model girl?’ I vaguely recognised the name, the image that came to my head was her face on the front of a gossip magazine, the Russian national’s long blonde hair and pale skin airbrushed to perfection.

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