Four - Ditching Detention With the Bad Boy

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He looked at me amused and smirked. "Really now?" The humor surfaced his voice just like icing on a cake. His attention that was previously on his phone was now one hundred percent diverted to me.

I straightened my posture to make myself look more "intimidating". My efforts seemed to please him even more as he crossed his arms over his chest with his smirk widening.

"Are you sure about that?" The sparks in his eyes danced playfully while he bad direct eye contact with me. I'd be lying if I didn't say talking to him didn't send shivers down my spine, good shivers.

Mr. Lemoy's snore got louder and louder and each time Bryan seemed to look more eager. "Have you always wanted a skipping buddy?" I joked. The small smile from Bryans lips were replaced with a straight line.

"Are you in or not?" He questioned me, I nodded. "Follow my lead then."

He crouched down closer to the floor and walked towards the door whilst I trailed behind him. Then, he gripped onto the handle and a ear-shattering loud screech came from the door. My body tensed up to the point where I was as stiff as a rock. Bryan kept his cool and crept out of the door and into the corridor, pulling me up.

"If anyone catches us, don't say anything just follow my lead," No administrator, teacher or janitor seemed to be in sight so we dashed across the hall without looking back.

The broad afternoon daylight was piercing to our vision. A figure with platinum blonde hair that went down to her waist appeared from the side of the school. She came closer and closer and I could soon make out what she was wearing. A leather jacket that sparked in the sunlight along with a grey tank top, a pair of distressed black jeans and combat boots. Bryan turned around and the small smile from before reappeared when he saw her.

"Whose this?" Her voice sounded soothing. No cracks, no doubt in sight, just a smooth tone. Bryan wrapped around her waist and pecked her on the cheek.

"She's someone I ditched detention with." The girl eyed me and laughed.

"She seems like a goody two shoes." Her laugh was coated in sugar and filled the atmosphere with good vibes. Bryan chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Let's go." The two turned around and walked towards the end of the school parking lot. Leaving me to pick up the pieces of my heart that had just broken off.



I walked home in utter silence with a dark cloud dangling over my head. My smile was long gone and my usual somewhat peppy attitude got washed away. The walk home was long, about fifteen minutes. That gave me plenty of time to overthink everything and heat up about everything as well.

The sun was shining, which annoyed me. The birds were singing, which annoyed me. The breeze was swirling around me which may be the only thing that calmed me down and stopped me from kicking a mailbox until it detached from the ground.

I opened the two glass doors and slammed them inconsiderately behind me, because right now I do not care if they shatter and break into tiny pieces.

"Jesus, Hana! You scared me! What happened?" My mom came downstairs with a smile. Even though she was genuinely worried for me, I shrugged her off and walked
to my room hastily. Thank god, she decided not to follow me and give me my space.

Yes, it isn't Bryans fault or the girls fault. If anything it's my fault. My fault to think someone as eye-catching and amazing as Bryan wouldn't be taken, girls must crowd him. But that's the problem. I don't keep up with the schools hottest couple, cutest outfits, or any other drama. School is school, not Hollywood.

It took all my power to not scream and get reported by the neighbors. I've been punching pillows and sobbing for however long I could remember. Fury, sadness, shock and anger tangled into my brain. The worst emotions to go together unless you want a hormonal teenage girl to break millions of dollars worth furniture.

A doorbell interrupted my rage. It took me by surprise when I noticed how the silence set amoung the house.

I jogged downstairs and read the note my mom had left me.

I cautiously approached the door with my knife in one hand and baseball bat in another

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I cautiously approached the door with my knife in one hand and baseball bat in another. It's much better to be safe than sorry. Shock, suprise and more shock ran through my bloodstream when I saw him.


Dropping my knife and baseball bat, I opened the door which caught his attention. "Hey! Jade!" He laughed and embraced me into a tight hug. My face warmed up as I instantly recognized the same aroma from his same cologne.

He kept me in his arms for awhile and then pulled away looking at me up and down. "You look great." He grinned and his eyes met mine before quickly looking away. I stood there in silence trying to comprehend that Ashton was here. Ashton.

"H-here, why don't you come in?" I tried my best to sound polite despite all the mixed emotions that were strangling my heart. He thanked me and walked in. "Are your parents home?"

"They're at work." I lead him to the living room and sat on the couch, pulling my knees to my chest. He sat at the couch opposite from me and fiddled with his thumbs.

"So, what brings you to New York? I haven't seen you since we've moved." I broke the awkward silence. His head shot up and he smirked.

"Well, I have some great news!" Don't say it. Don't. If it's the great news I think it is, it's horrible news. Disgustingly bad news.

I bit my cheek and tried to tell myself it can't be what I think it is. But the nagging feeling in my head told me it's true.

"I'm transferring to Lambert!" He announced, running over to me to give me another hug.

I just noticed I accidently said Hana instead of Jade on her mom's note. So sorry for that, I'll try to fix it soon.


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