22. Finally Home

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I sat at the kitchen table staring into my untouched tea, my mind going a thousand miles a minute. My mom brought her hand over mine before she gave it a reassuring squeeze and smiled.

The moment we arrived my parents pulled me into their warm embrace. They had no idea of what happened between Titus and me, they just knew that I had run away. After our reunion, my father got Titus on the phone and let him know I was with them. I could only imagine how that conversation went, as my father returned seething.

My parents were kind enough to let Seth stay in one of the guest rooms on the second floor. He thanked them profusely. My dad's intimidating gaze made poor Seth a nervous wreck. He was fumbling all over his words and sweating.

Seth turned in for the evening so my parents and I could have some privacy. We were now sitting in our kitchen in complete silence. They were watching me intently, waiting for an explanation. While I stared at my now cold tea, not ready to talk.

The truth is, I didn't know what to say, I wanted Titus and I's relationship to work out. But now it was just a complicated mess. I was embarrassed, hurt, and betrayed.

"Brinn..." My mom started. My eyes met her's for a brief second then fell back to my tea. "I don't know momma. I love him, I really do but this is just a mess." I played with the ends of my hair, to distract myself from the searing pain in my chest.

"What did he do?" My dad demanded.

I fill them in on everything that's happened in the last twenty-four hours. Making sure to leave out the incident that had me fainting into oblivion, due to his beast needing to claim me. My parents could only handle so much, and that would definitely infuriate my dad.

"I mean that's wrong...right?" I asked after I finished my explanation, still having doubts about my decision to leave. I needed someone to confirm that I wasn't overreacting.

My dad's growls filled the air. "It's very wrong!" My dad snapped. My mom placed a hand on his shoulder, calming his anger. I always admired how my mom could calm my father down with just the simplest touch. "Your father is right, and I'm sorry you have to go through this honey, but everything happens for a reason. Please remember that. " My dad and I both stared at my mother in shock. I wanted to tell her that she was wrong, and ask her why the moon goddess would make me go through this heartache, but I held my tongue.

I ran my hand over my face. "A lot has happened tonight. I don't want to think about it anymore. Can we just call in a night?" They both nodded understandingly.

"More like morning. It's four in the morning my pup." My mom stated.

Wow, what a day.

I stood and hugged my parent's goodnight then retreated into my old bedroom. It was exactly how I left it a month ago.

I didn't bother changing out of my clothes as I pushed the sheets back and slip into the bed. No matter how hard I tried, my thoughts constantly drifted back to Titus. I wondered if he was thinking about me as well? If he was feeling the amount of pain I was? Part of me wanted him to feel the pain and the other part was remorseful.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice the bed dip. I turned on my side and was met with my brother bright green eyes. He got his eyes and hair from my father, almost an exact replica.

I smiled and scooted over, making room for him. He was wearing a loose t-shirt with blue pajama bottoms. He slid in and brought the covers over us. We stared at the ceiling with our shoulder touching, neither of us saying a thing. Something we used to do whenever we couldn't get any sleep.

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