Chapter Thirteen

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so i know i don't upload very often but i would love it if you reccomended this story to your fans, readers, friedns, family, anyone really. i am seriously dropping on the charts. i'm now like 800 instead of the top 100 so PLEASE help me out. i've also decided i won't upload until i get at least 30 votes on this chapter. i really hate doing this but i am not getting very many and i really want to do good in the Watty Awards. i hope you understand! so without anymore babbling here is chapter thirteen.

- love you all! Liz

Chapter Thirteen- Tristan Kane

I woke up at five thirty to get ready for practice. Today was Rachel’s first day as Claire’s nanny. To be honest; I was scared. I was scared about leaving my baby girl with someone else. I know Rachel had been with Claire on numerous occasions, but I had never left Claire since she  had become mine. 

I grabbed some clothes and a towel before hopping in the shower. I stayed in the shower for about half an hour. At about six I heard some rustling about in my kitchen so I assumed Rachel was here probably getting herself some breakfast, heaven knew that girl was as thick as a twig. I was honestly worried about her health. 

After my shower I got dressed and brushed my teeth before heading out to the kitchen to talk to Rachel. When I reached the kitchen I was overpowered with the smell of home made biscuits and gravy, yum! I eagerly dished myself up a heaping plate, kind of like a fat kid eating a box of donuts. Right as I sat down at the table about to devour my meal Rachel walked in giving me one look before bursting out laughing. 

“What’s so funny?” I asked with my mouth full of the biscuits and gravy sauce. Rachel giggled again before answering.

“You look like a little boy caught with their hand in the cookie jar.” Rachel explained before dishing herself a smaller portion of food before coming to sit by me. 

“You look nice today.” I commented. I truly meant it. Rachel was always beautiful. Today she wore her chocolate wavy hair down with her bangs pulled up. She was wearing a lavender tank top with a grey sweater and light blue jeans, she was also wearing robin hood boots, or at least that’s what they looked like to me. 

Rachel blushed a dark red before answering. “Uh, thanks…” she  mumbled. Rachel and I continued our small talk before we heard Claire crying in the other room. Rachel quickly dropped her fork before heading off to Claire’s room. I couldn’t help but wish that Rachel was mine and Claire was ours. I mentally slapped myself, reminding myself what Rach said. Slow. 

I could hear Rachel in the other room soothing a crying Claire. A couple moments later Rachel walked back in to the kitchen with Claire on her hip. She set Claire in her high chair and got a toy from the living room giving it to Claire to keep herself entertained while Rachel finished heating up her bottle and pouring her baby food into a bowl. Once Rachel was done she sat back down at the table before spoon feeding Claire. It was a precious moment. Well it was until the timer on my phone went off telling me I needed to leave. But before I left I made sure Rachel knew what to do in case of emergencies. 

“So Rachel, there are all the emergency numbers on the fridge door, taped on Claire’s bedroom door, a list on the coffee table. And there is a CPR instruction booklet hanging inside the medicine cabinet, also all the drawers and cupboards are child proof, don’t let Claire get in to the cleaning supplies, also don’t feed her too much or she’ll get gassy, also make sure her milk is just the right temperature, not to hot but please make sure it’s not to cold. My cell phone number is also on the emergency contact list. You might not be able to get a hold of me so call Coach. Got it?” I asked listing everything that I could think of.

“Don’t worry Tristan. Everything is going to be okay. Alright? Take a deep breath, nothing’s going to happen.” Rachel tried soothing me. I sighed before getting up and grabbing my Nike duffel bag. Before I left I went and gave a Claire a kiss on the forehead and telling her I loved her. As I was about to walk out the door I decided to say goodbye to Rachel. 

“Goodbye Rach. I’ll see you tonight.” I said with a smile before giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I quickly spun on my heels before she could see anything, but I did notice the blood that rushed to her cheeks making that beautiful blush. 


Practice was horrible. By the time practice was over I felt like I couldn’t move my legs. Or arms. Or any other part of my body. Since the season hadn’t technically started my team were starting our daily doubles. Meaning, we would practice at the butt crack of dawn all the way until noon, next we have a two hour break, and then we go back and practice till six. It was hell. After daily doubles I hobbled to the locker room not bothering to shower until I got home. I grabbed my keys from my locker and drove home. 

Once at home I stumbled lazily up the stairs and went to unlock my doors before realizing it was unlocked already. I stumbled inside calling out a lazy “I’m home!” after I yelled that I heard Rachel shush me from another room. I dropped my duffel bag in the middle of the hallway and went to go find Rachel. 

When I waked in to the family room I saw the second most precious thing, excluding the picture I took while at the park. Rachel and Claire were snuggled up on the couch under a thick brown fuzzy blanket. Claire was snuggled up against Rachel’s chest. Claire’s little head was right above Rachel’s heart and her arms were wrapped around Rachel’s neck, holding her close. Rachel was watching some Disney movie with a mermaid, Rachel was also holding Claire as if she were her own. It was precious. Man, I sound gay…

“Hey,” Rachel said with a smile. “How was practice?” I flopped on to the seat beside the two of them and said, “Horrible.” Rachel gave me a sympathetic look. 

“I’m sorry Tris.” 

“Yeah, it’s okay. I’m just beat dead tired. I still haven’t showered yet so I’m going to go hop in. Do you want to stay for dinner?” I asked Rachel. Rachel nodded her head. 

“Yeah, I can tell you haven’t showered yet.” Rachel teased. I shot her a mock glare. “But I would love to stay for dinner. While you go shower how about I make us something. Alright?” I nodded my head ‘yes’ before lifting my arm and smelling beneath it. 

“I don’t stink that bad.” I complained.

“Oh yes you do. I could smell you from the hallway.” Rachel teased again.

“That’s it missy! Now your going to get it.” I whisper shouted trying not to wake Claire up. I got up from the couch and shoved Rachel’s head underneath my arm. 

“Eww! Gross Tristan!” Rachel screamed waking Claire up. I quickly ran into the shower so Rachel couldn’t get back at me. while I was running to my bathroom I could hear Rachel cooing to Claire and I couldn’t help but think how perfect she was. 

remember 30 votes!!!:)

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