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I was in the middle of writing my answer to one of the questions on the board when thankfully the bell rang, signaling my next lesson.

Grabbing my bag, I swiftly pulled it over my shoulder and practically ran out of the classroom.

It was suffocating enough having Mr Redford watching my every single move, but having Mason send me quizzical looks every flipping second was not good. Mason was catching onto the fact that I was frightened of him. He knew something was up, which was a problem

I didn't want to explain things to Mason because one, I hardly knew him and two, Mason seemed the type to get involved. I didn't need him making things worse with them. They were dangerous people who weren't up for discussion.

"Hey! Leia, wait up!" A voice yelled with loud footsteps following shortly after. I kept walking.

"Leia, can you wait for a damn second woman!" The voice growled before they tugged onto my shoulder, pulling me to them.

Mason's face suddenly appeared in my line of sight, looking concerned and almost confused. What was up with him? His green forest eyes held worry, but soon flickered to amusement. I knew it was too good to be true. Mason couldn't worry about anyone but himself for at least a second. It wasn't possible.

"What do you want?" I finally spoke up in an annoyed tone, squirming to get out of his harsh grip.

Mason clutched onto my shoulders tightly, stopping me from getting out of his grip. He inched his face closer to mine, which left me feeling a little breathless from the proximity between us.

Anyway, bear in mind he had to lean down because I was so small. I was so used to all of the tall people looking down on me that it didn't even bother me that much anymore.

"Who was that guy to you?" He asked, clenching his sharp jaw before breathing heavily."Has he ever hurt you before?"

That time I froze. Physically no. Emotionally yes. He and his little friends tore my mother away from me. Of course he had hurt me. He had hurt me in ways that could never be forgotten. That guy deserved hell and so much worse along with his petty mates.

I swallowed and exhaled heavily to keep a steady composure, "No."

Then I got away with the last word and he never followed.


Stepping indoors, light flooded into my eyes which got me excited.

My daddy was home.

"Daddy!" I yelled out, trying to get an answer.

Walking into the kitchen, I scanned around to look for the familiar brown hair that was exactly the same colour as mine, "Dad! Are you here?"

Now I was getting confused. Where was the light coming from? He must be in the lounge.

Creeping down the hallway to get to the lounge, I noticed the orange light was in fact coming from the lounge. The door was wide open, letting the light pool in the hallway.


I began calling but I cut myself off as I saw what was infront of me. A group of men were standing inside my lounge with big bulging arms full of muscle that were crossed against their chests. These were the men. Them.

"Where's my daddy?" I spoke up in a feeble voice, rubbing my arms. Rubbing my arms was a habit I had gained when lots of people were staring at me.

I couldn't take all of the eyes on me so I averted my eyes to the floor as they brimmed with hot, salty tears.

"Oh sweetie, you didn't think you could hide from us, right?" One cooed in a mocking tone.

I nodded silently as I thought of how to escape the cold, blood-curdling eyes.

Some let out light chuckles and others bursted into deep, booming laughter. Their laughs were so chilling and hair-rising that I shivered in fear. I cowered away to the lounge door, but the movement was noticeable enough to have the door slammed by one of the huge men.

There was no-where to go. I had no escape. The tears streamed down my face as I felt my chest tighten in panic.
"Not again," I choked out, as my breathing quickened and my heart raced. I felt sweat layer on my forehead and sweat build up in between my arms.

"You alright, love? You look pale," one of the men laughed, whilst the others smirked. They knew exactly why I was pale. I was absolutely petrified of them and they knew.

"L-Leave," I stammered.

"Not until you give us our money," the first man snarled in a gruff voice, trudging over to me. "It's our money you slut."

I backed away into the wall as the man continued spitting insults my way. I tried to calm my breathing down but I always ended up panicking more.

As the man was up close, he reached for my throat and squeezed it. Gasping for air, I began feeling the life slowly drain from my body.

"Where's our money, bitch!?" He sputtered, projecting spit in my face.

"S-Stop," I tried to make out, but as you could imagine trying to speak whilst a beafy man squeezed my throat was difficult.

My vision began drifting away and soon enough I was in a pleasant, blissful blackness. Finally, my life was peaceful.


So how scary was that, huh? I'm quite proud of myself that I updated this. Anyway I hoped you liked this chapter. If you did please VOTE and feel free to COMMENT. It's free! Ha ha yeah....

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