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Hermione found herself walking aimlessly the path to the Astronomy Tower, which was odd because she's never liked going up there due to her fear of heights, but tonight seemed to be an exception. Clutching the photograph tightly in her pocket, she slowly made her way up the stairs.

She didn't even get the chance to step on the tower's landing before feeling the tingling sensation of a petrificus totalus spell.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Brightest Witch of Her Age."

I got cursed by Malfoy!

He waved his wand over Hermione's frozen body that instantly became unfrozen. She stalked towards him with her wand out in front, jabbing at him with every step.

"How dare you cast one on the Head Girl!" She fumed.

Malfoy had the nerve to scoff as he's backing away. "To be fair, Granger, I would have cast it on anyone who was creeping on me. It's not always about you."

This made her falter in her next step, which made him smirk.

"You're just mad because I got the Head Girl when she wasn't looking. What happened to your keen eye over the summer?"

Hermione racked her brain for a witty answer but came up empty-handed, so she simply glared at him in hopes that he disintegrates under her piercing gaze. He didn't.

Instead, Malfoy simply turned around to face the safety fence that surrounds the tower. "Leave."

"You can't order me around, Malfoy." She spat. "And as far as I'm concerned, this place isn't yours to keep." Hermione jutted out her chin defiantly, albeit a bit wobbly, and walked over towards the other end of the platform, her hands firmly planted on her hips. "I'm staying because I want to stay, whether you like it or not."

Her voice was met with silence.

The cold November breeze blew in and Hermione welcomed the goose-bumps that have formed on her robe-clad skin. She took off the heating charms she'd placed on herself the moment she noticed Malfoy didn't put any up for himself, figuring that since the cold wasn't bothering him it most likely wouldn't bother her.

"One would think you'd steer clear from this place, Malfoy. You know, after all you've done." Hermione couldn't believe the venom that dripped from her words as she said them, and so she whipped around to face him and hastily took them back no matter how well-deserved Malfoy was to be on the end of the cruelty stick this time around.

"I-I'm sorry, that was way out of line." She chewed out.

When he didn't respond, she mentally kicked herself. How can she be so tactless, so cruel, so Malfoy-esque?

It seemed like an eternity has passed without either of them talking. Just two students sitting on the edge of Hogwarts' tallest tower, soaking in the calming silence of a Monday night.

Hermione was glad she'd finally cleared her head and with a yawn, she made a move to get up, bumping into Malfoy as she did.

"Thank you." He said. When she cocked her head to the side in confusion, he went on further. "For keeping mother and I out of Azkaban. I realized I never got to thank you or the two idiots."

She allowed herself to grin. "Would you look at that? Malfoy thanking me? Should've gotten this on record, I think. Mind saying it again?"

"Don't push your luck, Granger."

To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Where stories live. Discover now