Chapter 20: Only Her

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I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and threw on a pair of jeans and a light pink hoodie. I was gathering my English books into a bag when a knock at the door startled me.

Brett, I thought. My heart began to race and I suddenly felt nervous. I needed a minute to collect myself.

I heard my mother squeal - a literal squeal - then the sound of her heels hitting the floor as she walked down the hallway to open the door. She was about to see Brett for the first time, I wish I could see the expression on her face as she took in his utter perfection.

Normally I would protest, race to the door before she could bombarded him with dozens of questions, but I was beginning to feel light-headed. My heart was thumping wildly and my palms were sweating, this sudden rush of emotion caught me off guard.

I could hear laughter echoing from down the hallway, Brett's husky laugh and my mother's giddy one filing the air. I smiled to myself, focusing on his laughter. Allowing it to calm my unsteady heart.

With one final glance in the mirror, I swung my book bag over my shoulder and retreated out of the safety of my bedroom. Their voices grew louder as I walked down the hallway, inaudible words now forming into sentences.

"It is wonderful to meet you, Brett. Becca has told me so much about you!" My mother gushed. I nearly took a book out of my bag and threw it at her head just to make her stop talking. Great, make him think I'm obsessed with him.

Thanks Mom, I thought with an eye roll.

"She has?" Brett's voice rang through my ears and I could practically hear the smugness in his tone and envision the smile playing at his lips. I walked around the corner and our eyes instantly met, his face showcasing the exact expression I imagined in my mind.

His eyes glinted with mischief as he stared at me. His mouth was pulled up in a lopsided grin, his hair perfectly brushed back off his face. He was wearing a dark blue, plaid button-up shirt that emphasized his eyes, making them look so blue that I could see their shine from here.

My mother's back was to me, but I could only imagine the look of sheer adoration on her face. How could I blame her?

"Yes!" My mother began, her voice ringing through the air as she answered Brett's question. "Becca has never brought a boy-"

"Mom!" I yelled, cutting her off before she could embarrass me any further. I quickly walked to her side, turning my back to Brett and giving her a death glare, ignoring the laughter escaping Brett's lips.

"There you are!" She gushed happily, completely oblivious to my utter embarrassment.

"What were you saying, Abby?" Abby? They were on a first name basis already? "I didn't quite catch that," Brett finished, his voice teasing. I whipped around quickly, flicking my gaze to his as I glared at him murderously. He simply stood there unaffected, smiling smugly with his eyebrows raised in amusement.

Jerk, I thought.

"Don't answer that," I said to my mother. She was smilingly widely, looking happier than I had seen her in years. Her eyes were full of so much joy as she stared at Brett and I that I thought she would start crying any minute.

I cleared my throat, putting an end to this disastrous conversation before it got any worse.

"We should get going," I declared, walking to Brett's side and standing beside him in the hallway.

"Have fun you two," My mother paused. "Study hard," she finished, winking at me.

Oh my God. She did not.

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