Chapter 11

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Sharon stood at the door of Matt's athlete managing office, Just Sports Management. She didn't know how she got there. Cameron had been bugging her the entire day about this. He talked about it while they were eating, washing the dishes, cleaning up the apartment; she regretted asking him to vacuum since he had been even louder and vocal. He had even tried to espound the benefits of working with Matt.

The last straw was when he held her ice cream hostage. He even had the nerve to say,'You don't need it.'she had attacked him, hitting him with whatever was handy but since he was bigger and more muscles, it had been laughable. When she had collapsed in exhaustion, he again tried to get her to try the job out. In a moment of weakness, she agreed.

Now, she was in Matt's office, waiting for him to finish a call. The office was pretty spacious, with a lot of posters of their clients' endorsement product. There were roughly 20 employees although like 90% were females. And not your ordinary female. These ladies were hot and dressed well. She felt dowdy next to them.

'Thank you for waiting,'Matt said as he placed the phone back to its cradle. Sharon smiled in greeting. 'Your job here is similar to a personal assistant. You are to get your assigned client to where they are supposed to be at the correct time. It may sound simple but let me tell you that these athletes are troublesome. Their egos are soo big and fragile that you would have to stroke it often and do it subtly. Or else they'll rebel against you. You have to strong in the face of anger and unreasonable demands. They think we have no life and live to cater their ever wishes. Which is true to an extent but you will have to say no if it's too unreasonable. Like sexual favours and anything you're not comfortable with. And you would have to  be available to them at any time of the day-'

'Woah, woah. Information overload,'Sharon said, cutting in. Matt had been pacing about the office, he seemed to be on distress. Sharon got out of her seat and put a hand on his arm, concerned. 'May I know what's wrong?'

'Nothing's wrong,'he said nervously. He saw she was not convinced. He gulped. She squeezed his arm comfortingly. He looked down at her and basked in her concern. He sighed and visibly collected himself. He was back to the professional, collected, cool man that the world knew. She took her hand off him and went back to her seat.

'I'll bring you to someone who will guide you and mentor you until you are ready for your first client,'he told her. She nodded.

'I'm sorry to ask this of you but can I leave at noon?'she asked awkwardly as Matt brought her put of the office. 'Cameron wants me to accompany him to his meeting with his therapist. It's his stipulation for being forced to find one in the first place.'

Matt suddenly stopped and she bumped into him. He looked at her in astonishment. 'YOU forced him to do something he doesn't want? Something no one has ever done ever? You?'he asked in disbelief. She nodded slowly, a bit bewildered by his reaction. She didn't know it was going to be so mind blowing.

'Well, we had this disagreement and Cameron forced me to go to this interview. So in return, I forced him to find a therapist,' she explained. She was getting weirded out by the way Matt was looking  at her. 'Um can we go find my mentor now?'

'Yes, yes,'he said distractedly. He threw more weird looks over her shoulder. She hoped this was not going to be a daily occurrence.

  - -----@@@@@--------------

Only 3 hours into her job and Sharon hated it. She had been thrown to a dictator who wanted things done her way and only her way.

Melissa Barden was the quintessential horrible boss. She made Sharon do all the filing and data entry that were years old. Some of who had already retired. She even asked Sharon to get coffee for her meeting only to say it wasn't needed when she got back. Sharon was ready to tear her hair off.

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