Graduation blues

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I smiled as best as I can while all the wolves in their graduation garb run around and saying how they'll miss everyone. I know I wont.

"Gem, you ready?" Mrs. Horis asks and I nodd at the principle. I had the black robe and gold sash that the valedictorian wore and my purse my brother gave me was already under my seat safe and sound. Now it was time to show case ourselves to our families and pack.

Sighing I square my shoulders, stand up straight and walk as the music plays, taking the middle seat in the front row on stage with the other four top wolves as everyone else heads to the chairs set up infront.

It took a while considering the amount of graduates but the last wolf sat down finally and I smiled as the principle gave her speach.

"Now please welcome our international Honors student and this year's graduating valedictorian Geminie Blake. I was surprised when the crowd clapped and I got a few wolf whistles as I stood, making my way to the podium and shaking hands with the principle before taking my spot and looking out to the crowd, here goes nothing.

"Good after noon friends, family, faculty and finally fellow graduates. I am sad to say our teenage years are over as we look to the future and realize we move on to become adults in the world. Some will become mighty members of their packs and others will travel for knowledge but we will all be connect by the years of highschool." I start, not meaning any of what I said because I was excited to lose them all. I couldn't wait to move on and make a life soon.

"I remember the first days of freshman year and one thing that stuck with me was the quote "Even if you take three steps forward you'll find yourself being forced to take one step back, but keep moving because great things await." That was our orientation here and it is true. As we move on we will face more then what expect to happen but we must keep pushing forward. But know this." I smile as carefree as ever and look out to the blue sky.

"We did it, we made it through high school and we will make it through anything as long as we try." The crowd of graduates cheer like this was the best news ever and I take my seat again. Now it was the long wait as more speeches were said and then we were getting our certificate and other awards.


"Geminie Blake. Honor student, valedictorian, artistic paw award, silver literature award and the golden halo award for most community hours served in the graduating class of twenty seventeen." I go up to the podium again as my name is called, collecting all of my awards and graduation certificate as I look at the three trophies and quickly hide the envelopes that contains the cheques of thousands of dollars that the awards came with. I couldn't help but smile at how well I had done in highschool and couldn't wait to add the trophies to the others I kept in the old shed.

I take my seat again after pictures were taken, using the time as other wolves were called out to look at the halo in hands, the paw covered in dripping paint and the silver quilt on a silver book each set on a wooden base. When I have my own home these would be displayed front and center so everyone could see.

My smile grew wider as I smelt the most intoxicating scent, vanilla and mint, wafting by me, cursing as who ever the scent belonged to was no where in site and I knew that he was my mate and I might have missed my chance to look at him but his scent was close and I smiled. Maybe he would save me from my hell.

The ceremony was finally done and all the graduates make their way out of the chairs and I grab my purse, rushing out to where Alex waited with his truck to take me home before anyone else, stoping at the shed to put my awards in the wooden chest and smiling as I spot the shape of a car under a sheet.

"Tonight." I say and get a confused look from Alex.

"What?" He asks and I smile.

"Tonight I will be leaving. Something tells me that's what's going to happen and it's going to be because of my mate." He nodds and pats my head as I place my cap and gown in the chest and look at my brother.

"I'll have everything packed for you by midnight." He whispers and hugs me.

It was time to head to the pack house so that I could make everything for the graduation party. One I could participate in surprisongly.

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