Chapter no.49

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Corinne's POV:-

Struggling was the only thing on my mind right now. And that was what I had been doing for the past two hours or so. But my hands were now beginning to feel numb. The rope was tight enough to cut of the blood supply. The dickhead had me tied up.
"LET GO OF ME!" my screams had no effect on him but it didn't mean I would stop trying.

If only I could punch him once, how much satisfying would that be.
In fact, punching wouldn't be anywhere near fair for what he had done.

If only I could get rid of these ropes first.
"I like how you never stop trying. But it's no use my sweet."
"I have a surprise for your boyfriend." The way he said it made my heart freeze.

And he laughed.
"What is it?" I spoke urgently.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?" I screamed in vain.
"We'll have to wait and see won't we?"

Tears of anger and frustration sprang out as I moved around violently to get free from the binds. I knew whatever he was up to was anything but safe. I would never be able to let myself live if anything were to happen to Cameron or Meryl for that matter.
"Oh! She won't be coming my sweet." Calvin said idly.

He walked to the far end of the room and pulled open a door and my gaze fell to the limp form of Meryl.
"NO! MERYL.....MERYL GET UP!" I thrashed and yelled but she lay unmoving.

The tears finally poured free and I let out a strangled cry. How I wished to be not bound in these ropes so that I would kill this sick man in cold blood.

My heart sank deeper into me somewhere. How would I face Cameron if I made it out of here alive? I could already picture his broken expression. His defeated face. And I knew he would take the entire blame on himself.

The hours seemed to pass and I sat numb in the same chair. This silence was agonizing. As if, I was sitting here, waiting for what was coming. Calvin's presence bothered me even more now. I felt weaker than I ever had.

What a shame would it be if I lost the man I loved.
Who ever I loved dearly ended up like this? First dad and now Cameron? I would never be able to get over the guilt if he died because of me.

How can I stop him?

"You's so much fun to play with you. You've always been my favourite toy my sweet." My face scrunched up in disgust as his hands began to roam my body freely. All I could do was watch.
"Filthy little piece of shit!" I muttered through clenched teeth.

I gasped out in pain as he grabbed a fistful of my hair.

Seeing him lean closer to my lips, I did the only thing that came into my mind. I spat on his face. Letting out an angry snarl, he hit me in the face and the small wooden chair to which I was tied up thudded to the floor. I groaned in pain and protest as the tiles hit my elbows harshly, wounding them in the process.

"You haven't been a good toy my sweet. Let's play our game shall we?" I watched horror-struck seeing him dial Cameron's number from Meryl's phone.
"I have texted you the address. Come and get her."

He cut the call before I could make a sound and I burst into silent tears.
"" it looked as if they were my only silent prayer left for me to pray. I couldn't think. My mind was too messed up to think of escaping.

Cameron never deserved this. Never.

Minutes passed as my tears dried up and I lay still on the ground with a dull headache watching Calvin as he watched me.
"You killed her." He knew I was talking about his mother.

His eyes showed a flicker of sadness before it vanished completely.

"She was starting to get annoying." He replied.
I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath before opening them again.

"You don't know how it feels to be loved. You don't know friendship. You don't know trust. You know nothing." My voice was raw with anger but just a faint whisper into the silence that followed.

"How would I? She never gave me what a child deserves. She was never the mother I wanted. She married your dad. She left my dad for all the money your father had. She was a greedy bitch." I could see hatred swirling within his deep soulless eyes.

"So I took it upon myself to ruin you and your fucking father. You are going to die and I'm going to have all that you took from me." I didn't realise when he came so close to me and the next thing I felt was a blow to my face.

A wet trail of hot liquid indicated that my forehead had started bleeding as I cried out in pain.

"Please keep him out of this. Cameron's got no-nothing to do with this." I hated how I had to plead. But this was nothing. I would do anything for Cameron. Even if it meant never being able to see him again.

"You see this?" He pointed to a small wire that lay beside me on the dirty tiled floor. My eyes traced a path from the wire as it disappeared behind my back.
"The moment your boyfriend steps in, you die."

My heart stopped altogether. Now that I noticed, I could hear a faint sound of beeping coming from somewhere at the bottom of the chair.

He laughed once more before standing up and pacing in front of me.
"Meryl. She loved you." I whispered through my sore throat. My heart sinking in defeat with each agonizing beat.

"She was naive enough to believe I was the one for her." Nothing could compare to the amount of hatred and anger, I felt for him.
I had never had such a strong urge to kill someone like this.

And I could feel this was going to end very soon. I knew, I won't be seeing Calvin again after today.


Cameron's POV:-

"It's not my place to tell you Cameron." Dr Wetherby said.

She had just met me outside Corinne's house when I had been looking for her. Corinne had been consulting a psychologist? But why?
"Doctor please. I need to know. She has gone missing. It might be helpful for me to seek her out."

The kind looking lady sighed softly.
"Alright then."
"But promise me you will find her......Cameron....the girl loves you so much."

I smiled weakly at her.
"I will."


My heart hammered in my chest. Only vaguely, aware of what I was doing, I drove towards the countryside to the address which Calvin had texted me.
I wasn't foolish enough to go unprepared. I had informed the cops and they were in contact with me.

But what worried me was Corinne and Meryl. I hoped those two were alright.
And the truth never had lessened the love I felt for Corinne. My beautiful girl had been so brave. Were she any other girl, she wouldn't have kept it all in for so long. She wouldn't have shown such strength. I couldn't help but feel proud.

I slowed down a bit as I neared the apartment where Calvin had told me to come.
I was going to get her back. At any cost.


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